Named queries and parameters

GraphQL supports named queries and variables, enhancing query clarity. Example includes defining and utilizing variables for efficient data retrieval.

GraphQL supports variables and naming queries, which should always be used since they make the query more clear while reading.

Let’s look at an example. In the following snippet, GetCustomers is a named query that returns a page associates. This query has three parameters: $companyNo specifies the company number that uniquely identifies the company within the system, $pageSize the maximum number of records to be returned, and $after the cursor that indicates the position after which the records are to be fetched. If nothing is specified, this means the first $pageSize records are to be fetched.

query GetCustomers($companyNo: Int, $pageSize: Int, $after :String)
  useCompany(no: $companyNo)
    associate(first: $pageSize, after: $after)

If you use GraphiQL, you can define the variables in the query variable pane in the lower left of the IDE, as shown in the following image:

GraphiQL Query Variables

When you perform the request to GraphQL programmatically, or from a tool that does not directly support GraphQL variables, you must put the request containing both the query and variables in the body, as application/json.

  "query" : "query GetCustomers($companyNo: Int, $pageSize: Int, $after :String)\n{\n  useCompany(no: $companyNo)\n  {\n    associate(first: $pageSize, after: $after)\n    {\n      totalCount\n      pageInfo\n      {\n        hasNextPage\n        hasPreviousPage\n        startCursor\n        endCursor\n      }\n      items\n      {\n        associateNo\n        customerNo\n        name\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}",
  "variables":"{\"companyNo\": 9112233,\"pageSize\": 5}"

Details about the raw form of a GraphQL query were presented in an earlier section of this tutorial.

Last modified September 24, 2024