How to get started with credit card transactions import?

There are several credit card providers that can send transactions to Expense.

The following credit card providers can send transactions to Expense:

  • American Express Card

  • Danske Bank Corporate Mastercard

  • Eika TwoCards

  • Handelsbanken Mastercard

  • Nordea FirstCard

  • SEB Eurocard & Diners

  • Volvo Finans Mastercard

You need to contact the credit card company to order a credit card transaction transfer to Expense.

There are no settings in Expense that needs to be done.

The transactions are mapped to the employees in Expense by using the employee ID. So it is important that the credit card provider gets the correct information about this.

There are no additional costs from Visma to set up a credit card integrations, but the credit card provider might take a cost for setting it up on their side.

Contact your credit card provider for more information.

Last modified July 8, 2024