How do I set a different rate on a mileage type for only some of the employees?

As a company administrator you can set up groups in Expense.

These groups can have different settings and rates.

To define different rates for different employees you must first create a group.

  1. Go to the menu Settings.
  2. Click and Employees and group and then Groupsin the left menu.
  3. Click Add group.
  4. Set a unique code for the group you want to create, and then a group name.
  5. Click Save.

Once you have created the company group, you can connect the employees to the group.

  1. Click on Employees in the left menu.
  2. Select one employee
  3. At the tab General select the correct company group in the drop down list.
  4. Click Save.

Repeat this procedure for other employees that shall be connected to the group.

You can now define the custom rate on the specific group.

  1. Go to Types in the left menu and select Mileage.
  2. On top of the page, select the specific group that you would like to set up a new rate for.
  3. Then click on the mileage type, for example Car and click Add rates.
  4. Select a valid from date and valid to date (optional), and add the new rate in the column Company rate.
  5. Save the line by clicking the approve symbol and then click Save.

The settings for the type are now saved and are only valid for the group you selected.

Remember that no employee can belong to more than one group at a time.

Last modified August 7, 2024