How can I check that claims have been sent successfully to the Incomes Register?

When you are using automatic reporting to the Incomes Register, the claims will be sent to the Incomes Register as soon as the claims have been marked as Paid.

To ensure that the claims have been sent successfully and reported to the Incomes Register, you will need to check this by entering the page Automatic reporting that you find under the Reports menu.

When a claim has the status Sent, it means that it has been sent and is being processed.

Status Reported means that it has been accepted by the Incomes register.

If claims failed to be sent because of an error, an error will be displayed on top of the page. You can see the error details by clicking on the row with a failed claim under the tab “Error”.

When you have solved the issue, click Resend Failed to send them again.

If any claims have failed due to the error “Cannot generate”, it is not possible to resend the claims to Incomes Register from Expense. The claims must then be reported manually to the Incomes Register.

Last modified July 8, 2024