Additional services

The Additional services page gives the user with Expense regular user role an overview of any services that can be connected to Expense for data import.

The following external services is shown here

  • E-mail integration
  • Visma Employee app
  • Credit card purchases
  • GPS tracker integration
E-mail integration

If you want to use receipts or invoices you have got in your mailbox, you can send them directly to Expense by activating this service. Click on Activate and define an email address that you can use to forward email to. The system makes a suggestion for you based on your user name. Click Save when this is done. You can now send emails from your mailbox to this email address and the email will become available for you as an attachment.

The email address you define here is unique per company, so if you have access to several companies you need to set this up per company with different email addresses.

Visma Employee app

In the mobile app Visma Employee, you can take pictures of your receipts and register your mileages on the go. You can also send your claims directly to approval or save them for later use in Expense.

Credit card purchases

If you are using a corporate credit card, it is possible to get your credit card transactions available in Expense depending on the bank.

Please contact your payroll administrator to get more information about this.

GPS tracker providers

If you are using a GPS tracking system, it is possible to get your mileage trips imported to Expense depending on the provider you are using.

Please contact your payroll administrator to get more information about this.

If you already have a connection with a GPS tracker system, the name of the provider will be shown. You can also remove the connection to this provider from this view.

Last modified December 9, 2024