
When you need to register driven kilometers whilst in work situation, click the button Create new claim from the Home screen to create your mileages.

Before a mileage can be registered, the mandatory Claim information must be entered.

The main purpose of this section is to view and enter details that are common for your entire claim.

This section is opened by default when creating a new claim and is only possible to close when all required fields are entered. The following fields are included in this section:

Field Description Mandatory/Optional
Claim description Name of the entire claim, eg. Conference in Oslo Mandatory
Cost units If a cost unit is selected as default, this is shown here. Whether you can change the cost units or not is depending on the company settings set by the administrator in your company. For more details, see: Claim registration settings. Optional
Position and Organization unit Only available for eHRM companies (NO). Mandatory

When the General information is saved, it is possible to start the mileage registration. To create a new mileage, click the button Add mileage.

GPS transactions

If you have a GPS integration with an external GPS provider, the button GPS / Employee app will allow you to choose from using the GPS log or using mileages created in the Visma Employee app.

When clicking on this button you will get a pop-up where it is possible to either select GPS or Visma Employee. When selecting GPS, a list of all imported transactions from the GPS provider will be available.

The following functionalities are available for GPS transactions:

  • Import transactions (one or more in the same process, using the checkbox to select)
  • Delete transactions
  • Import expenses in connection with mileage transactions (parking, toll road, ferry)
  • Import additional allowances (passenger, towed vehicle etc)
  • Edit added transactions in combination with manual entry and/or file attachment (local files or Visma Employee/Visma Attach)

Visma Employee

If you have created mileages in the mobile app Visma Employee, the button GPS / Employee app (or the button Employee app if there is no integration with an external GPS provider) will allow you to select mileages from the app.

Under the tab Visma Employee, you will see a list of created mileages in the app. The following functionalities are available for mileages from the app:

  • Import transactions (one or more in the same process, using the checkbox to select)

  • Delete transactions

  • Edit added transactions in combination with manual entry and/or file attachment

Read more here on how to use the mobile app.

Google maps

You can use the button Map****Map & toll to calculate the driven kilometers. By clicking on this button, a popup will open where you can enter your route to get the distance. The entered route will also be visible on the map. You can adjust the route by using the drag and drop functionality within the map. Then a ‘via address’ will be added which can also be removed. It is also possible to add more destinations by clicking in the link +Add more destinations.

The return trip option will add the same From address as a return trip.

If you want the system to calculate the toll costs, you can select to enable Include toll costs.

The calculated amount is based on some preferences. You can see what preferences have been used underneath the amount field. If you need to change these preferences, click on the cogwheel icon. Here you can select the fuel type, if it is rush hour or not, and if you have Autopass or not. The amount will be updated according to what you select here.

The preferences you set here will be stored as the default preferences for next time yo want to include toll costs.

All preferences and rules for calculation of road toll are not supported in Expense, so if you need to adjust the calculated amount, this can be manually changed.

Click Use to add the route and the calculated distance to the mileage transaction.

If there is a calculated road toll cost, this will be added in the Road toll field.

The Mileage form contains the following fields

Field Description
Date Date when the driving was done. Only dates 3 years in the past from today's date and 30 days ahead of today's date can be added.
Vehicle List of valid Mileage types based on what is entered in Settings/Mileage. Default type is Car or Motorcycle.
Distance (km) Distance driven will determine the amount calculated as it is based on rates registered in the mileage type. Several decimals are accepted but it is rounded to 1 decimal. The field is mandatory.
Route Start and end destinations of the mileage trip, and the route driven. The field is mandatory.
Purpose/event Purpose or Event of the trip. If the trip is a part of a travel claim, the field will be automatically filled with purpose details from the first registered travel. The field is mandatory.
Purpose of detour, if any Purpose of any detours. The field is optional.
Vehicle number The Vehicle registration number. The field is mandatory.

The Mileage form contains the following fields

Field Description
Date Date when the driving was done. Only dates 3 years in the past from today's date and 30 days ahead of today's date can be added.
Vehicle List of valid Mileage types based on what is entered in Settings/Mileage. Default type is Car.
Distance (km) Distance driven will determine the amount calculated as it is based on rates registered in the mileage type. Several decimals are accepted but it is rounded to 1 decimal. The field is mandatory.
Route Start and end destinations of the mileage trip, and the route driven. The field is mandatory.
Purpose/event Purpose or Event of the trip. If the trip is a part of a travel claim, the field will be automatically filled with purpose details from the first registered travel. The field is mandatory.
Passenger When adding the name of the passenger, the field Km will be available. Fill out the number of kilometers driven with the passenger. This will add additional allowance to the mileage trip.
Odometer start Odometer readings at the start of the trip. The field is optional.
Odometer end Odometer readings at the end of the trip. The field is optional.

The Mileage form contains the following fields

Field Description
Date Date when the driving was done. Only dates 3 years in the past from today's date and 30 days ahead of today's date can be added.
Vehicle List of valid Mileage types based on what is entered in Settings/Mileage. Default type is Car or Company car, free fuel (Agda PS integration)
Distance (km) Distance driven will determine the amount calculated as it is based on rates registered in the mileage type. Several decimals are accepted but it is rounded to 1 decimal. The field is mandatory.
Route Start and end destinations of the mileage trip, and the route driven. The field is mandatory.
Purpose/event Purpose or Event of the trip. If the trip is a part of a travel claim, the field will be automatically filled with purpose details from the first registered travel. The field is mandatory.
Passenger When adding the name of the passenger, the field Km will be available. Fill out the number of kilometers driven with the passenger.
Vehicle number The Vehicle registration number.
Odometer start Only for Company car, free fuel (Agda PS integration).
Odometer end Only for Company car, free fuel (Agda PS integration).
Private trip Only for Company car, free fuel (Agda PS integration).
Fuel cost Only for Company car, free fuel (Agda PS integration).

Company car, free fuel (only for Agda PS integration)

When the company is integrated with Agda PS, it is possible to register Company car, free fuel. The company car must have been created on the user in Agda PS with a vehicle number before this mileage type will be available.

The following field will be available when selecting the vehicle type Company car, free fuel:

Field Description
Vehicle number The vehicle number (license plate) is transferred on the car that is linked to the employee in Agda PS. The field is not editable.
Odometer start The field is locked when odometer value has been set in Agda PS. The field is editable when no start value has been set in Agda PS.
Odometer end The value is automatically entered based on the value in the field Distance (km) (Odometer start value + distance (km)). If a value is entered manually in this field, the field Distance (km) will also be updated. Value can not be less than Odometer start.
Private trip Transactions marked as private is used to calculate the taxable fuel benefit.
Fuel cost The fuel cost is used to calculate the taxable fuel benefit.


You should register on the type Company car, free fuel with ascending dates because it is not possible to register on this type if there is a registration on the same type with an earlier date.

The Mileage form contains the following fields

Field Description
Date Date when the driving was done. Only dates 3 years in the past from today's date and 30 days ahead of today's date can be added.
Vehicle List of valid Mileage types based on what is entered in Settings/Mileage. Default type is Car.
Distance (km) Distance driven will determine the amount calculated as it is based on rates registered in the mileage type. Several decimals are accepted but it is rounded to 1 decimal. The field is mandatory.
Road toll Road toll costs in connection with the trip. The field is optional.
Route Start and end destinations/address of the mileage trip, and the route driven. The field is mandatory.
Purpose/event Purpose or Event of the trip. If the trip is a part of a travel claim, the field will be automatically filled with purpose details from the first registered travel. The field is mandatory.
Purpose of detour, if any Purpose of any detours. The field is optional.
Passenger When adding the name of the passenger, the field Km will be available. Fill out the number of kilometers driven with the passenger. This will add additional allowance to the mileage trip.

Additional allowances

There are different checkboxes for additional allowances depending on country and what mileage types that are activated on the company.

The following additional allowances can be selected

  • Dog on duty
  • Forest or construction road
  • Caravan
  • Heavy machinery
  • Mobile canteen
  • Trailer

These additional allowances are as default inactive and need to be activated in order to be selectable.

The following additional allowances can be selected

  • Heavy load

The following additional allowances can be selected

  • Forest or construction road
  • Heavy load
  • Towed vehicle

When an additional allowance is selected on a mileage registration the number of kilometers need to be entered into the corresponding field to get the correct calculations.


It is possible to select attachments to the trip from either local file or the mobile application Visma Employee. When using Visma Employee, no data other than the file and file name are imported.

If an attachment imported from the mobile application has a purpose filled, this information will be added to the purpose field.

Assign cost units

It is possible to assign different cost units on the allowances. Then the mileage allowance amounts will be charged to the cost units selected.

It is also possible to do a split on different cost units on different percentages by changing the percentage value to less than 100%. When clicking the link +Split cost unit, a new row is added where a different cost unit can be selected. The total for all the different cost units must be 100%.

View details

It is possible to view more detailed information when clicking on the added mileage. The following information will be shown:

Field Description
Taxable / Tax free Shows taxable and tax free amount, including the currency
Route Shows the full route of the trip
Road toll Amount for road toll if added
Additional allowances Visible when at least one additional allowance has been added
Passengers Visible when at least one passenger has been added
Attachment Shown as thumbnail version when added
Car information Vehicle number, odometer start and end
Cost units Shows the selected cost units
Project details Only for ERP integration
Re-invoice to customer Only for ERP integration

Edit / delete / copy created mileage

It is possible to edit, delete and copy a mileage registration by using the action buttons. To edit a mileage, click on the pen symbol. The popup that appears will contain all the mileage details previously saved for this mileage.

It is also possible to copy the added mileage by clicking the copy icon. This will copy all added information in the fields, except from attachments.

To delete a mileage, click on the trashcan symbol. If you have added attachments or GPS transactions, these will be available to use again.

Travel with allowances


Last modified August 7, 2024