Travel with allowances

When you have been on a travel and are entitled to get allowances for this, click the button Create new claim from the Home screen to create your travel.

Before a travel can be registered, the mandatory Claim information must be entered. The main purpose of this section is to view and enter details that are common for your entire claim.

This section is opened by default when creating a new claim and is only possible to close when all required fields are entered. The following fields are included in this section:

Field Description Mandatory/Optional
Claim description Name of the entire claim, eg. Conference in Oslo Mandatory
Cost units If a cost unit is selected as default, this is shown here. Whether you can change the cost units or not is depending on the company settings set by the administrator in your company. For more details, see: Claim registration settings Optional
Position and Organisation unit Only available for eHRM companies (NO). Mandatory

When the General information is saved, it is possible to start the travel registration. To create a new travel, click the button Add allowance.

Note: It is only possible to create a travel with allowance when the settings for allowing allowances on travel registration is enabled by administrator. You can find this setting here (visible for administrators only): Claim registration settings

Travel information

When adding a new travel, a popup is displayed where travel details can be entered. The options available in the popup are dependent on the country and company settings. When a new travel is initiated, the popup uses default values.

Field Description
Purpose/event Purpose or Event of the travel.
Date/time Travel dates can be registered by clicking the dates from the calendar and selecting the hour. Click first on the start date of the travel, select the hour, then click the end date and select the hour.
Place The home country will be selected by default. If the travel is abroad, select a different destination by using the drop down list.
Travel type Depending on the company settings, daily allowance or no daily allowances can be selected for the travel. If the travel is a private stay, then no daily allowances will be calculated.
Travel to more places When clicking this link, a new line appears where information about the next destination can be added.
Save & next When all mandatory fields are entered, the trip can be saved. Section for Meals and lodging will then be opened.
Cancel The pop up will be closed without saving.

Meals and lodging

When travel information is entered, the section for Meals and lodging will be opened.

To ensure all the correct information is gathered, this sections has different fields / buttons based on rules and regulations.

What is entered in this section will, together with details from the travel information, determine the allowance amount that you are entitled to get.

The Meals and lodging section contains the following fields

Field Description
Breakfast When Included in lodging or Meal covered is selected this will result in a deduction in the allowances.
Lunch When Included in lodging or Meal covered is selected this will result in a deduction in the allowances.
Dinner When Included in lodging or Meal covered is selected this will result in a deduction in the allowances.
Lodging Hotel is selected by default. When Private accommodation is selected, this will result in an additional night allowance per period.

The Meals and lodging section contains the following fields

Field Description
Meals When the trip results in a partial allowance - selecting One meal paid will result in a deduction. When the trip results in a full allowance - selecting One meal paid will not result in any deductions, however selecting Two meals paid will result in a deduction.
Meal money When 1 Meal moneys or 2 Meal moneys are selected for a period, the Meals section will be disabled and there will be no allowances for this period. This is used when criterias for allowances are not met. The number of meal moneys selected will replace the allowances.
Night allowance If checked, night allowance will be added to the allowances for each period where this is selected.

The Meals and lodging section contains the following fields

Field Description
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner When Included in lodging, Meal covered, Representation or Paid by company is selected, this will result in a deduction in the allowances. When Paid by company is selected this will result in a Meal benefit being added to the claim. When Included in ticket or Paid by me is selected, this will not result in any deductions. Deducted amount and meal benefit amount added are dependent on type of meal.
Lodging When Private accommodation is selected, this will result in an additional night allowance per period. For the first day of traveling, this field is disabled.
Night allowance If checked, night allowance will be added for each period where this is selected. If night allowance is automatically added due to the selected type of accommodation - it is possible to uncheck it by the end user. Check box can not be checked if hotel is selected in lodging.

The Meals and lodging section contains the following fields

Field Description
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner When Included in lodging, (the meal is included in the price of your accommodation) or Meal covered (when the employer has paid for the meals) is selected this will result in a deduction in the allowances. The deducted amount depends on the type of meal.
Lodging type The allowance calculated depends on the selected lodging type. When Private accommodation is selected, Night allowance is checked automatically and an additional night allowance per period will be added. The lodging type Travel during night can be used to get allowances for day travels that are during night.
Night allowance If checked, night allowance will be added to the allowances for each period where this is selected.

Lodging information

It is mandatory to fill out lodging information for accommodation at a hotel or boarding house/room without cooking facilities.

The following fields have to be filled out:

  • Hotel name and address
  • Until date

The Until date is per default set to the end date of the period. This can be changed by the date picker.

If the date is changed to an earlier date, a new line of lodging information is added with this date as the start date.

Assign cost units

It is possible to assign different cost units on the allowances. Then the allowances amount will be assigned to the cost units selected.

It is also possible to do a split on different cost units on different percentages by changing the percentage value to less than 100%. When clicking on the link +Split cost unit, a new row is added where a different cost unit can be selected. The total for all the different cost units must be 100%.

View details

It is possible to view more detailed information when clicking on the added travel / allowance. The following information will be shown:

Field Description
Taxable / Tax free Shows taxable and tax free amount, including the currency
Allowance details Shows start and end date of the travel. All allowance types of this travel including amount and currency
Lodging details Shows the lodging details
Cost units Shows the selected cost units
Project details Only for ERP integration
Re-invoice to customer Only for ERP integration

Edit/delete created travel

It is possible to edit or delete a travel registration by using the action buttons. To edit a travel, click on the pen symbol. The popup that appears will contain all the travel details previously saved for this travel.

To delete a travel, click on the trashcan symbol. If a travel is deleted, the allowances associated with the travel are also removed. However, no mileages or expenses are removed. You will be presented with a warning that informs about this when deleting.

Several travels in the same claim

Within the same claim, it is possible to register several travels. Once a travel is saved, you are able to register another travel by clicking the Add allowance button. The travels can not overlap as Expense will validate on dates and time.



Last modified August 7, 2024