
In the Bookkeeping menu it is possible for the administrators to create bookkeeping files for import to an accounting system. All claims must have status Paid before a bookkeeping file can be created.

Generate bookkeeping file

Under Generate bookkeeping files it is possible to generate and download a bookkeeping file. When opening the page the screen*- shows an overview of available claims in a grid.

Default display will be all Paid claims for all employees within a default date range (last 3 months). It is also possible to filter on the different statuses.

All Paid claims that are shown are pre-selected but it is possible to deselect the claims that are not needed.

When claims are selected it is possible to click on the button Download bookkeeping file. A pop-up is then displayed with following fields:

  • File format - select between the following:
    • Report - will result in a summary in a .pdf format.
    • CSV file - filename bookkeeping.csv
    • Visma Nova - specific file format for Visma Nove (FI product)
  • Bookkeeping date - the date selected will be presented in the bookkeeping file as bookkeeping date.
  • Set status to Transferred to Bookkeeping - this setting changes the status on claims included in the report/file to Transferred to Bookkeeping. After the status change the claims can be found in the menu Bookkeeping files. For claims with status Approved or Booked, the status can not be changed and this checkbox will be disabled. The checkbox is also disabled for companies using a workflow with integration to ERP.

The user can click Download to download the bookkeeping file in the selected format or click Cancel. Once the file is downloaded, and status is updated, the selected claims will be removed from this list and available under the menu Bookkeeping files - providing the status is changed in the process.

Bookkeeping files

The Bookkeeping files page presents an overview of all created Bookkeeping files in the Generate Bookkeeping file page.

When opening the menu, all created bookkeeping files within the selected from and until dates will be shown, regardless of the status they have.

The overview will show the creation date, the total amount of the claim and if there are items to handle.

When clicking a specific bookkeeping file, the table is expanded with more detailed information like employee, claim, payment date and total amount.

Click Mark all as booked in the column header or the link Mark as booked for each claim individually. Click the OK button to confirm the status change and the selected claims are marked as Booked and no further action can be taken once this status is set.

It is also possible to cancel the claims. Click Cancel all in the column header or the link Cancel for each claim individually. Click the OK button to confirm the status change and the selected claims are marked Canceled. After this action the claims are yet again available to be selected and transferred to bookkeeping.

Last modified July 8, 2024