Tax (Finland)
Automated reporting
The purpose of this functionality is to send details of any reportable transactions to the National Incomes Register automatically, without the company administrator's input. The administrator will be able to monitor the status of the sent reports, see the cause of their rejection if rejected, and resend rejected reports.
The functionality is available to all Finnish companies having configured automatic tax reporting via AutoReport. This can only be done when using one of the following workflows:
- Banking and Bookkeeping
- Payment in Autopay, manual bookkeeping
- Payment in AutoPay, ERP integration for bookkeeping
To report income automatically, AutoReport needs to be activated and a security certificate needs to be requested from the incomes register.
It is only claims with status Paid that will be sent to the National Incomes Register, which means the following:
- For the Banking and Bookkeeping flow claims have to manually marked as paid
- For flows including Autopay, claims will be sent to the National Incomes Register as soon as they are marked as paid from AutoPay.
Besides the paid status, only claims with the following income types will be send:
- Daily allowance incl. meal money (Incomes Register income type 331)
- Tax-free mileage (Incomes Register income type 311)
- Night allowance is not included in the report
In the Automatic reporting page the following functionality is available:
- View the paid claims along with their status regarding the transfer to National Incomes register (i.e. 'sent', 'reported', 'error')
- Only paid claims with income types 331 and 311 are shown. Claims that do not contain these income types are not shown at all.
- Filter the claims by date
- View detailed error information for failed claims in a pop-up
- Resend all failed claims
If any files contain errors received from AutoReport the top of the page will contain a warning message: Failed to send claims There was an error when transferring claims to the Incomes Register. You can see the error details by clicking on a row with a failed claim. Please resolve the specified issues and click Resend Failed to send them again
When the Resend failed claims button is pressed, an informative message is shown in a pop-up: The failed claims have been resent to the national incomes register.
If any claims have failed due to the error “Cannot generate”, it is not possible to resend the claims to Incomes Register from Expense. The claims must then be reported manually to the Incomes Register.
Manual reporting
The purpose of this functionality is for the admin to have a clear overview of employees with claims that have to be sent to the National Incomes Register. The overview contains all the data the admin needs for doing a Manual reportto the tax authorities.
The report will also be available for customers using automatic reporting to check certain claims, or report manually in unforeseen circumstances.
This functionality will be available for all companies in Finland using Expense with either one of these workflows chosen in Company Workflow:
- Banking and Bookkeeping
- Payment in Autopay, manual bookkeeping
- Payment in AutoPay, ERP integration for bookkeeping
When opening the View reoirt details page an overview of claims and employees are shown. Here the company administrator can:
- See which claims are paid and need to be sent to the tax authorities.
- Adjust the date filter of claims shown.
- Mark claims as Reported.
The admin can use the list of claims as their own checklist, marking claims reported when this has been done manually.
Upon clicking either one of the claims shown in the grid, more information is revealed. The information shown, is the information that needs to be added in the incomes register E-service.
The following information is shown in the pop-up
- Status badge: Shows the status of the claim (reported or not reported)
- First name and last name of the employee
- Personal Identification Number: The SSID of the employee
- Payment period: Start date and end date of the claim
- Payment date: Paid date of the claim
- Taxable payments (income types): The income type(s) registered in this claim
- Amount: The amount per income type in Euros
- Mark as reported: Only available when the manual reporting workflow is in use and for claims with status Paid, Error or Cannot generate.
- Close: Closes the pop-up