Company Configuration Wizard

When setting up a new company, the company administrator will be presented with a wizard upon the initial access to the company. The wizard will guide the administrator to select the most important settings for the company to be able to work with Expense.

The administrator can either select default settings or make adjustments. The following steps are available:

  1. Welcome step
    The welcome step is just presenting an explanatory text to inform the admin on the purpose of the wizard.
  2. Company workflow settings
    In this step the company administrator can select what workflows should be used, and subsequently what flow a claim has from beginning to end.
    Please follow this link to read more about Workflow.
  3. Claim registration settings
    In this page the Company administrator will be able to turn on and off different functionality for the user that will be default when registering claims. Please follow this link to read more about Claim registration settings.
  4. Climate reporting
    In this step, it is possible to activate a feature for climate reporting. This will add a report where it will be possible to see calculated carbon emissions from travel and expense activities of employees.

Any choices made in this setup can later be changed in Settings page.

Last modified August 7, 2024