
The Integrations page provides an overview of available integrations you can use together with Expense. Some integrations can be directly activated from this page.

Available integrations to activate from Expense is:

  • Nordea First Card (via OpenCard)

Integration with Nordea First Card (via OpenCard)

If you are using an existing integration with Nordea First Card, you can also start getting the credit card transactions in real-time. This means that directly after making a purchase with your credit card, it will be available to use right away in Expense.

Under the menu Add integration in the left menu you can find information about the integration and the pricing by clicking the button Info and pricing. When you are ready to get started, you click the button Set-up.

The following fields need to be filled out:

Field Description
Company name Name of the company. This is automatically filled out
Organization number Organization number of the company. This is automatically filled out
Email invoice Email that should be used as receiver for invoice
Invoice reference Optional field to enter an invoice reference
Card with corporate liability (invoice sent to the company) Automatically checked but can be unchecked if not used
Card with private liability (invoice sent to the employee) Automatically checked but can be unchecked if not used
Transaction Processing agreement (TPA) This is where you fill out which persons (email addresses) that should sign the agreement (TPA). Several email addresses can be entered, separated by comma.
Signatory lookup This will open a modal with suggested authorized persons in the company that can be the signatories (Norway: look-up from Brønnøysundsregisteret)
Activate When all fields are filled out, the Activate button gets enabled

When the integration has been activated, the agreement (TPA) is sent to the authorized persons that were provided in the setup. The agreement (TPA) must be signed before the transactions can be sent to Expense.


You can already now, when awaiting the signing, start adding the cardholders. All employees that have a Nordea company card and wants to receive the transactions in Expense must be added here.

To add an employee, click in the dropdown list under the column Employee ID. Then select the employee from the list. It is only possible to add one employee at a time. The employee is then added to the list and an agreement (PDPC) is sent to the email address that the employee agree.

The following columns are shown in the list:

Column Description
Employee ID Employee ID as registered in Expense
First name Employees first name
Last name Employees last name
Email address Employees email address
Status Status of the PDPC agreement, if the employee has signed this or not
Actions Re-send: Re-sends the invitation where the user can activate a card. Delete: Deactivates the integration for this particular employee

When the company TPA is signed, the integration status will change to Integration active. And when the employees have been activated as card holders, they will start receiving transactions in Expense.

Note! Users are getting the transactions in real-time and a claim including these type of transactions can be sent to approval. However, it can happen that a transaction is changed upon clearing by the bank. To avoid mismatch of amount, the claim is then sent to a on hold status, and first when Expense gets the cleared transaction from the bank (normally within a few days) the claim is fully sent to approval.

Last modified December 17, 2024