- Daily allowance
- Abroad destinations
- Mileage
- Expenses
- Other
Daily allowance
Visma.net Expense provides the official Daily Allowance types and the respective official rates. These rates are specific for each country, and they are updated by Visma.net Expense according to regulations.
The official Daily Allowance types are used in travel registration and calculations. Some Daily Allowance types can be deactivated or updated by the company administrator.
Each Daily Allowance type, both domestic and abroad, can be connected to pay codes and accounts. The types have a set of tax free and taxable pay codes and also a set of tax free and taxable accounts.
The types are automatically connected to the incomes register codes, but the codes can currently not be seen on the types.
The abroad daily allowance types are linked to the abroad destinations configuration menu.
It is possible to set company specific rates for specific date ranges on all existing types that will override the official rate.
Follow the next steps in order to set a company rate for daily allowance types
- Select the relevant daily allowance type by clicking it. Whether the official rate is active or a company rate is already defined, you can add or update the company rate.
- Click the button Add rate.
- Fill in a Valid from date. Valid until can be left open or filled if the rate is limited in time.
- In the field Company rate, add the new company rate for this type.
- Click the button Save to save and close the dialogue or the
to save the line. To cancel the registration, click
The new company rate for the daily allowance type is used when registering a new travel with this type within the set date range. This new company rate will also be used to calculate the payable amount for this particular daily allowance type. If the company rate is higher than the official rate, the difference will be taxable.
The changes done in the Daily allowance configuration will not affect the previously registered or approved travel claims. When a travel claim using this particular daily allowance type is edited, the calculations will be updated.
Abroad destinations
Visma.net Expense provides the official rates for abroad destinations. These rates are specific for each country, and they are updated by Visma.net Expense according to regulations.
The official abroad destinations and their respective rates are used in abroad travel registration and calculations. The abroad destinations types cannot be deactivated.
It is possible to set company specific rates for specific date ranges on all existing types that will override the official rate.
To set a company rate for abroad destinations
- Select the relevant destination by clicking it. Whether the official rate is active or a company rate is already defined, you can add or update the company rate.
- Click the button Add rate.
- Fill in a Valid from date. Valid until can be left open or filled if the rate is limited in time.
- In the field Company rate, add the new company rate for this type
- Click the button Save to save and close the dialogue or the
to save the line. To cancel the registration, click
The company rate is used when registering new abroad travels, using this particular abroad destination within the set date range.
The changes done in Abroad destinations configuration will not affect the previously registered travel claims or approved claims. When a travel claim using this particular destination is edited, the calculations will be updated.
Visma.net Expense provides as default all the official mileage types and their official rates.
The official mileage types use the official tax free rate (and union rates for Norway), and Visma.net Expense keeps these rates updated. Each company can register their own rate for the types.
When a company rate is registered, this rate will be used as the payable rate per kilometer, when the employee registers a claim with this mileage type.
If the rate is higher than the official rate, Visma.net Expense will calculate the payable amount and split this in tax free and taxable amount, using the official tax free rate. The same applies for Union rates in Norway.
The Company administrator has the option to create new mileage types. For instance Bicycle or Walk on foot. If admin adds own mileage types, they are not included in tax reporting. (In such case own types should not be created).
To create a new mileage type
Click the button Add mileage and enter the following:
- Name - this will be displayed when registering mileages.
- Active - the active or inactive status of the mileage type. Default is active.
- Click Add rate to fill in the company rate, in addition to Valid from and Valid to dates. The rate will be used in calculations and as this is a new company type and it has no official tax free rate, it will be taxable.
- Under the Payroll-bookkeeping tab you can select tax free and taxable accounts and/or tax free and taxable pay codes for the selected mileage type. These accounts/pay codes will be transferred to the payroll system or an accounting system.
- Click Save to save the new mileage type.
- It is also possible to delete unused Mileage types that have been created by the administrator. When selecting a custom made Mileage type, the button Delete type will be available.
All Mileage types, both default and custom made, can be updated. For example add a new company rate that will be used instead of the official rate, change or add accounts / pay codes or deactivate / activate a mileage type.
The main mileage types may have additional types connected, to ensure it is possible to register all the eligible allowances. Examples of these additional types are Passenger, Heavy Load,Forest roads etc.
Visma.net Expense provides a default list of country specific expense types, which can be used for expense registration.
The list of default expense types are related to different travel expense categories like accommodation, train tickets, meals, and other expenses like office equipment and telephone.
The company administrator can create new types if needed, or deactivate some of the default types that shall not be available in expense registration.
To create a new expense type
Click the button Add type and fill out the following:
- Name - this will be displayed when registering an expense.
- Active - the active or inactive status of the expense type, default is active.
- Mandatory attachment - to be used if you want an attachment to be mandatory for this expense.
- Fixed price - when selecting Fixed price and a Unit price, the user will instead of the amount enter the quantity of that type.
- Emission category - for calculating CO2 emissions (only when climate reporting is activated).
- Under the Payroll-bookkeeping tab you can select domestic and abroad accounts and/or domestic and abroad pay codes for the selected expense type. These accounts/pay codes will be transferred to the payroll system or an accounting system.
- Click Save to save the new expense type.
It is also possible to delete unused Expense types that have been created by the administrator. When selecting a custom made Expense type, the button Delete type will be available.
All Expense types, both default and custom made, can be updated. For example change or add accounts / pay codes or deactivate / activate an expense type.
Expense types for climate reporting
When climate reporting has been activated, an emission category must be connected to all expense types. An emission category is used to calculate estimated carbon output of expenses based on average output data.
All default expense types are automatically connected to an emission category and these cannot be changed. For all custom made expense types, you can decide to connect to an MCC group or not.
Road toll in Mileage page
The expense type Road toll is also available for registration in the Mileage page. This is to allow users to register road toll costs in connection with their mileages. The expense type Road toll is for that reason activated by default, but can be deactivated. Own types for road toll can therefor only be registered as an expense on the Expense page.
Representation type (Sweden)
According to the rules for representation that took effect January 1, 2017, it is possible to lift all VAT on amounts up to 300 SEK per person excluding VAT. If the representation is done for more than 300 SEK per person excluding VAT, a fixed amount (“schablon”) is used. It is only the VAT that is deductible.
The administrator needs to set up two different representation types (perhaps more if the company separates the internal and external representation), one for receipts of maximum SEK 300 per person and one for receipts more than 300 SEK per person.
The only difference between these two is the amount that is specified in the box for Fixed VAT Amount. On the type with max 300 SEK per person, the value will be 75 SEK (maximum amount that can be drawn at 25% VAT). On the type for more than SEK 300 per person, use the value 46 SEK. The value in the box for Deductible amount should be 0.
It is important that the employee selects the correct type of representation excluding VAT and that they indicate the correct tax amount from the receipt at the registration of the representation.
VAT handling
The types have a set of VAT codes for expenses domestic and abroad to calculate the correct VAT amount. The VAT codes can be mapped to the types under the tab Payroll-Bookkeeping. The VAT codes are created under the menu VAT configuration.
File export and import of expense types
With this feature it is possible to export and import the Expense types. The buttons File import and File export can be found at the bottom right of the Expense types page
When clicking the File export button a file containing the existing expense types and its related accounts, pay codes and VAT codes (only for Finland and Sweden) will be exported in a .csv format, regardless of status (active / inactive). The file will contain correct headers and columns based on country/company and the content will be presented in the default language of the user.
When clicking the File import button it is possible to select a .csv file to import. The file must contain the following data structure:
Column name | Mandatory / Editable | Comment |
Code | Yes / No | If blank, Expense will consider this a new type to be created |
Name | Yes / No | Only editable for company specific expense types |
Active | Yes / Yes | |
Domestic account credit | No / Yes | |
Domestic account debit | No / Yes | |
Abroad account credit | No / Yes | |
Abroad account debit | No / Yes | |
Domestic pay code | No / Yes | |
Abroad pay code | No / Yes | |
Domestic VAT | No / Yes | Only available in Finland and Sweden |
Abroad VAT | No / Yes | Only available in Finland and Sweden |
Code;Name;Active;Domestic Account Credit;Domestic Account Debit;Abroad Account Credit;Abroad Account Debit;Domestic Paycode;Abroad Paycode
;Overtime meal;TRUE;;;;;300;300
File example: Expense types
This page shall be used to view and update special types not covered in the other types.
Paid by company
The company administrator can activate and use the type Paid by company. When this type is activated, users can mark the checkbox Paid by company when registering expenses. This means that the amount will not be paid out to the employee, but it can still be included in payroll / bookkeeping transfer.
It is also possible to activate this option to be used only at group level. Read more about Groups.
Meal benefit / Fuel benefit (Sweden)
If a meal was covered by the company, the employee must be taxed for this benefit. In order for this type to be used and calculated, the company administrator will have to activate the type for Meal benefit first. Under the tab Payroll-Bookkeeping, accounts and pay codes that should be used for reporting these benefits must be added.
By activating the type Fuel benefit - benefits can be calculated automatically when private driving is done on the type Company car, free fuel. Under the tab Payroll-Bookkeeping, accounts and pay codes that should be used for reporting fuel benefits must be added.