Supported Government Services
The following Government services are supported by AutoReport in the Nordics and the Netherlands.
For example, tax authority, customs, statistic institute, private / public pension company.
The service transforms your data to the format required by report receiver (for example, a periodic VAT report for tax authority), and sends data to the computer system of the public or private institutes.
You can see the reporting status in AutoReport and you can download the reports sent.
The following Government services are supported by AutoReport in the Nordics and the Netherlands. AutoReport manages and stores personal data for reporting purposes, with strict data deletion policies aligned with legal requirements, retaining data for up to 7 years and offering limited deletion options for users.
Clarifying terms for AutoReport and government reporting, including definitions for Visma ERP systems, government entities, EU VAT reporting, and specific tax services and authorities in Finland, Norway, and Sweden.
On this page you find the official web sites for Governmental services (organizations). Use these links to get latest information about reports to send and processes to use.
Sending electronic reports to government services requires specific credentials and adjustments in Visma systems for successful report submission and preparation.
The process of sending reports to government services through Visma, including report preparation, credential provision, automatic report generation and sending by AutoReport, and the retrieval of report status or feedback. AutoReport’s Reports window allows viewing, filtering, and managing company reports with status updates and options for sending, canceling, and downloading, tailored for reports requiring manual submission.
The Settings window is used for saving account information for authentication to country specific tax administration or a Government service. The settings are reused whenever a report is sent. For some countries where the authentication does not require any account settings, you do not need to change any settings.
The user authentication is different for each Government service. Some of the services need certificate authentication and also different elements. For example, a Social Security ID, Computer System ID or UserName. AutoReport supports the following reports AutoReport informs you of any report processing errors. Errors can appear due to Government service authentication failure, connection problems and invalid report data (validation error).