Before you get started

Sending electronic reports to government services requires specific credentials and adjustments in Visma systems for successful report submission and preparation.

Credentials to Government reporting services

To send electronic reports to the Government, you must have own credentials to the service in question. Visma does not provide credentials for Government service authentication if not explicitly told so in this documentation. The authentication method varies service by service. For example, the Finnish government system has a different technique for system authentication than Norway.

Settings in Vismasystems

Reports sent to the Government often require information about the reporting organization, for example, organization tax number or contact person name. Most of this data is already defined in the organization settings of the Visma system when a company is set up (during provisioning), but sometimes minor adjustments or additions must be done before AutoReport can be used. These settings are often not visible for you in the same view of the Visma system as where you submit reports. Therefore it is possible to send a report with missing facts. Sending will fail in these cases, and you will get an error message about the missing information on the report.

Report preparation

The term Preparation in this document is used to refer reporting phase that occurs in the very beginning of workflow. You have to initiate, for example, reporting period closing in the Visma System.

The Visma system is responsible to deliver reporting data to AutoReport. AutoReport then transmits the report to the Government service. AutoReport provides a user interface for Government credentials and it provides an overview for the reports sent. The data preparation and report content is the responsibility of the Visma system. There is usually special reporting view for you in the Visma systems for the preparation phase. Furthermore, a report may require some customer data that is not directly visible in a reporting view but defined in the customer settings in Visma system. For example, organization VAT number or Payroll tax number are some of such settings.

Last modified August 30, 2024