General terms in the documentation

Clarifying terms for AutoReport and government reporting, including definitions for Visma ERP systems, government entities, EU VAT reporting, and specific tax services and authorities in Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

There are some general terms in this documentation that must be clarified for a good understanding.

Context Term Description AutoReport Visma system The Visma system is used in this documentation as a term to define every kind of Visma ERP/Payroll system, component, model, application which have been integrated with AutoReport and collect/prepare the data for the report. AutoReport Government In this documentation the term Government is used to define all kind of Tax Administration/authority, Government or State entity, public/private organizations, pension or insurance companies to whom a company must deliver reports or declarations.
European Union EU sales list Value Added Tax (VAT) report applicant for companies doing business in European Union countries. Report type also known as EC sales list (ESL) and intra-community report.
Finland Apitamo PKI Finland Tax Administration reporting service, web service interface for Ilmoitin system.
Finland Vero API Finnish Tax Authority web service interface
Finland Income Register Finnish Income register is electronic database of incomes information. (Tulorekisteri)
Norway Altinn Altinn is a web portal for reporting to public agencies. The portal is a collaboration between the Brønnøysund Registers and the Directorate of Taxes, among others. On the web site, forms can be submitted to the tax authorities, including the reporting of foreign labour, VAT statements, tax returns, statements relating to the tax assessment, employers’ payment record form for National Insurance contributions and payroll withholding tax. Forms can also be submitted to other public agencies. A list of all the forms in Altinn is available on <>. More information about the tax authority’s forms is available on
Norway Skattetaten Norwegian Tax Authority
Norway ID Porten Login solution for public services in Norway.
Sweden Skatteverket Swedish Tax Authority
Denmark Danish Tax Authority
Netherlands Digipoort The government’s electronic post office in Netherlands
Netherlands Pinkweb Supplier of Client Online, is a customer collaboration platform for interaction between accounting firms , their clients and Digipoort.
Last modified August 30, 2024