Report view AutoReport’s Reports window allows viewing, filtering, and managing company reports with status updates and options for sending, canceling, and downloading, tailored for reports requiring manual submission.

The Reports window shows all the reports that have been sent from the Visma system to AutoReport. You can filter the report based on multi-criteria conditions, but you will only be able to see the reports for companies you have authorization to in the environment.

If the condition used in the filtering does not return any result, the buttons are disabled.

If a user has access to only one company, the ALL button for the company is hidden.


Status column declares the latest report processing state. In the list you can see all statuses a report can have.

Status Icon Description
To be Processed Data received by AutoReport and saved in the system, no any processing done yet.
Processing AutoReport is in the process of sending the report to Government service or waiting acknowledge from Government for a sent report. This status is used only with services where getting response to initial report sending takes for some time. AutoReport saves timestamp when transitioning to this status to indicate that next actions for reporting process depends on Government.
Processed The report has been sent to Government service and it received the final status: Accepted
Log-on failed User authentication to Government service failed and therefore report cannot be delivered to Government. Try again.
Error in report Report contains invalid data. AutoReport or Government has rejected the report because of the errors.
Sending failed AutoReport ran into problems and could not process or send the report. Try again.
Cancelled User has cancelled the proceccing of the report. It can not be sent again.

Organization name

This is the organization name contained in the report sent to AutoReport.


This information is related to the type of the sent report. Based on what report has been sent, the type could be VAT, EU VAT, Wage levies, A-message, Intrastat etc.


Start date for a report instance. Based on the periodicity of the report type Period Start can be the beginning of the month, the beginning of 4 weeks period, the beginning of 2 months period, the beginning of the year, etc. Period end is the closing date for the report instance.

Created on

This field display the date and time when the report has been received in AutoReport.


Bottom of the Reports window, can be found Archive option. You can select one or multible reports to be archived. Archiving the report, you can filter it out of the list without cancelling the report. If needed, you can also Unarchive the report and continue the process for the report.

Filters AutoReport allows viewing, filtering and managing company reports.

Extended row view

When you click a row in the Reports table, an extended row view will open. This row shows the information of single report. If you want to see more than one row extension view, you should press CTRL + click.

Last modified August 30, 2024