Extended row view

When you click a row in the Reports table, an extended row view will open. This row shows the information of single report. If you want to see more than one row extension view, you should press CTRL + click.

Information in the report view

Status message

This information box offers detailed information about report processing results. Both succeeding and failed report sending statuses are described in the column. An error message typically indicates:

  • a data content error [solution: you can try to fix data for report in the Visma system and to send the report again from Vismasystem
  • the given Government credentials were wrong [solution: you have to resend the report from the Visma system using valid credentials or to click Send button on Reports
  • a network connection problem with Government service occurred [solution: try to resend the report from the Visma system or from Reports

If the error message does not include sufficient information to solve the issue, please contact customer support at Visma.

Organization and Tax registration number

These are the organization and tax registration numbers assigned to a company and are used in company reporting to the Government.

User name

This field displays the user name that inserts the credentials used in authentication to the Government. For those reports that are not automatically sent by Visma.net AutoReport or do not need authentication, the user name will be empty.

Sent on

This field displays the date and time when the report has been sent to the Government from Visma.net AutoReport. This time stamp is different than the report creation that refers to the moment when the Visma system delivered data to Visma system delivered data to Visma.net AutoReport.

Last change

This field displays the date and time when the report has received the last status. This time stamp is different than the report creation that refers to the time when the Visma system delivered data to Vismasystem delivered data to Visma.net AutoReport and could be different than report sent in case the Government provide later the final status.

Service reference

This field shows the identification or reference number given by the Government service for report delivery. This information can be used in communication with the Government.

Report reference

This field shows the identification or reference number given by the Visma System service for report delivery. This information can be used in communication with Visma.net AutoReport.


Action Icon Description
Send Starts report sending by asking government credentials from the user. This action is only available for reports that have not been yet authenticated and uploaded to Government.
Cancel Cancel the report. The action does not delete the report but hides it. Purpose is to flag the report unnecessary or invalid so that any user should not deliver it to Government. This action is available only for reports that have not been yet authenticated and uploaded to Government.
Download Report Some Government services do not offer the possibility to directly transfer report files from Visma.net AutoReport, but user have to upload report file manually to Government web form or send it by email. In such cases there is Download action available in the last column of the table, by clicking the icon user can get the output report file to a local disk. Download action is available for ALL reports in Extended row view.
Download Feedback Download the feedback you have receive from the government.
Archive You can archive the report and then filter to see only the reports unarchived.
Check Status Refresh the status of the report.
Validate Report Validate the report against Skatteetaten.
Sig-in via Id-porten Login using your ID-porten credentials.
Last modified August 30, 2024