Reporting workflow

The process of sending reports to government services through Visma, including report preparation, credential provision, automatic report generation and sending by AutoReport, and the retrieval of report status or feedback.

Sending a report to Government involves the following main steps:

  1. You prepare and release a report for the period in the Visma system.
  2. You start sending the report.
  3. You provide credentials for the Government service authentication, if needed.
  4. AutoReport send report to Government service
  5. AutoReport fetches an acknowledgment from Government service.
  6. You check/download the report status/feedback.
  7. You download report sent to a local disk (optional).

Prepare report data and start sending

When data for a report is collected, you have to initiate the report sending process in the Visma system where the data to be reported is stored. The Visma system provides an action/operation to populate information for the report and to do the necessary preparations for the report.

Provide credentials

Some Government systems require user authentication to transmit company reports. Depending on the report type and Government service, the Visma system asks you for Government credentials for each report you send. Alternatively you have stored permanent credentials/certificate in the settings of AutoReport.

Report generation and sending

The AutoReport service starts processing received data automatically, no additional actions are required from you to send report to Government if given data and credentials are valid.

Report status

The AutoReport provides a report transfer status and the Government service acknowledges back to you.

When a report has been sent from the Visma system to a Government service, you can to see the sent status in two places: directly in the Visma system used for report sending or in the Report window in the AutoReport web page. Some Government services give status responses immediately after the sending process and some require status interrogation later. If you don’t see the final status (Accepted or Rejected) by Government, please check later to verify. For some reports, you have to start downloading the final status from your Visma system.

Last modified August 30, 2024