
The Settings window is used for saving account information for authentication to country specific tax administration or a Government service. The settings are reused whenever a report is sent. For some countries where the authentication does not require any account settings, you do not need to change any settings.

Altinn (Norway Tax Administration public reporting portal)

In this window you can save or change Computer System ID and Computer System Password used for authentication to Altinn. These settings can be used for sending reports like VAT before 2022, E-tax card request, a-message, etc.

Starting from year 2022, VAT reports will be send using ID-porten authentication, instead of settings and credentials above. These will be still used for VAT reports for 2021 and before.

‘View all companies for Alltin settings

In ‘View all companies’ can be found actions to save credentials to companies the user has access to or delete credentials from companies the user has access to.

Income Register certificate (Finnish Income Register, Ilmoitin and Vero API)

Incomes Register’s certificate service is used to manage the certificate you need to login to Income Register, Ilmoitin and Vero API.

Insert here the transferId and password received from Incomes Register to request a certificate. Please be aware that transferId can be used only once. If you need same certificate for all your companies, you can click the “Activate for all companies” after credentials are saved.

Remember to do the necessary authorization steps in Incomes Register portal if you activate the same certificate for multiple companies.

‘View all companies’ for Finnish certificate

After you have saved the certificate, ‘View all companies’ button will appear. In the ‘View all companies’, it is possible to save current company’s credentials to other companies the user has access to.

Digipoort (Dutch government’s electronic post office)

The Visma certificate saves you the extra time and money to request your own certificate. More specific conditions of use for the Visma certificate are described in this window. You can upload your own certificate or activate the Visma certificate for the current company or multiple companies.

If the you want to save your own Digipoort certificate or want to activate the Visma Digipoort certificate for ALL companies for you or your users have access to, you must click the arrow on the Save drop-down button and select the option Save for all companies.


This action WILL OVERWRITE ALL EXISTING CERTIFICATES for companies and cannot be reversed. If you want to change the certificate for some of the companies, it must be done one by one for each company.

If the you want to avoid inserting password every time you send a report to Digipoort, you need to check the Remember certificate password option in the Settings window. You can only activate this feature when you upload a new certificate. If you later want to change this setting, you must upload a new certificate again.

‘View all companies’ for Digipoort settings

In ‘View all companies’ it is possible to save current company’s credentials to other companies the user has access to.

PinkWeb (Dutch)

PinkWeb, supplier of Client Online, is a customer collaboration platform for interaction between accounting firms , their clients and Digipoort.

You can choose do you want to use Digipoort directly or PinkWeb to send VAT and EUVAT reports. Choose endpoint and insert User name and Password. You can test the connection with PinkWeb when you save new credentials.

‘View all companies’ for Pinkweb settings

In ‘View all companies’ it is possible to save current company’s credentials to other companies the user has access to.

Last modified August 30, 2024