
Data extract

The Data extract gives anyone with administrator access an overview of all claims entered, no matter what the status is. The extract can be used for checking claim statuses and transaction details.

The report can be filtered on dates and then be downloaded to an excel/csv file where the administrator can do additional filtering.

It is only possible to select a date range for maximum one year at the time.

When a date range has been selected, the user needs to press the Download button to download the file.

Driving log (admin)

The Driving log report contains the mileages done by the employees based on what is registered in the Mileage page. The report contains all the mileages independent of the status of the individual claims.

The company administrator have the rights to extract the report for all the company's employees. The following criteria can be selected:

  • Employee - all employees selected by default
  • Mileage period (dates from/until)

When a criteria has been selected, the administrator needs to press the button Download file.

The file will be downloaded in a csv format

Driving log (regular user)

With the Driving log it is possible for the employee to get an overview of registered mileages during a certain period. The report contains all the mileages independent of the status of the individual claims.

The regular user can only print out driving log according to his/her own registered mileages. The user can select the mileage period when printing out the report.

When a criteria has been selected, the user needs to press the button Download file.

The file will be downloaded in a csv format

Claim download

With the Claim download it is possible for the company administrator to download all approved claims including attachments in a PDF format

The download can be used when off-boarding or if there is a need to download claims for all or specific employees.

The following are available in this report:

Field/Button Description
Employees If there is a need to download the claims for a specific employee, you can select this here. Only active employees are shown. If you select All employee, claims from all employees (including deactivated) will be downloaded
Date (From and To) Select a from and to date. Both fields need to be filled out. Filtering is done based on Approval date. It is only possible to select a date range for maximum one year at the time
Generate button This will generate a download request

When a download is requested, it will be visible in the page where you can see;

  • an icon showing the status on the request

  • the date for when the request was done

  • the date period for the request

  • the name of the employee if there was selected a specific employee

Depending on the amount of claims in the request, it can take some time before the download is ready. The page will be automatically refreshed when the download is ready.

When the request is completed, the status will change and you will in addition see;

  • the number of downloaded files

    • if the file contains many claims, it can be splitted into several files. The limit for 1 file is 1 GB.
  • when the downloaded files will be removed from the page

    • after 7 days, the files will be removed from the page. So if you are not able to download the files within this period, a new request has to be made.

The downloaded files will be available to see in a list. If there are several files you can select to download all selected files or select specific files.

The filename contains:

  • the name “ClaimReports”

  • company’s organization number

  • the date and time for when the file was requested

  • the name of the user who requested the file

  • an additional number to separate the files if there are several

The download will contain zip files with all approved claims including attachments in PDF format.

Last modified July 8, 2024