Employees & groups

The Employees & groups section in Settings page contains the following pages:

  • Employees
  • Groups


A Visma.net Expense user must have an employee in order to get access and create claims. Employee information can be imported from a payroll system, by an import file (.csv) or registered manually.

To create a new employee manually, click the button Add employee and fill out the following under the tab General:

Field Description Mandatory yes/no
Active checkbox Activate/deactivate employees access  
Employee ID The employee ID used in the payroll system Yes
First name The employee’s first name Yes
Middle name The employee’s middle name No
Last name The employee’s last name Yes
E-mail address The employee’s email address Yes
Social security number The employee’s security number Yes
Group Available when a company group or more have been created under menu Settings - Employees & Groups - Groups No
Address 1 Street address of the employee No
Address 2 Post box address of the employee No
Zip code Zip code of the employee No
City City/Town of the employee No
Country Country of the employee  

There is also a second tab on the employee called Additional information where you can fill out the following:

Field Description Mandatory yes/no
Bank account Bank account for the employee, used only when paying via Bank or using AutoPay Yes if workflow = Bank and bookkeeping or AutoPay is set up
IBAN account The international bank account number. Automatically completed if the bank account is entered. Yes if workflow = Bank and bookkeeping or AutoPay is set up
BIC The bank identifier code of the entered bank account. No
Default cost units Select default cost unit(s) to which the employee belongs. The connection to a cost unit set up in the employee configuration will be used as default cost unit in claim registration, and may be used to decide who can approve the claim No
Initial mileage The employee’s initial mileage - this will the foundation for threshold calculations within the calendar year No

The tab Position is only available when employment message is used in integrations (eHRM and Visma.net Payroll). Will contain the following:

Field Description Mandatory yes/no
Name/number of position In Employee Management this is just a number, in the other integrations (eHRM) there is a name added N/A
Employee ID The employee ID Read only field
Work time The employee’s work time percentage Read only field
Valid from The employee’s position valid from date Read only field
Valid to The employee’s position valid to date Read only field
Organization unit The employee’s organization unit (only for eHRM integration) Read only field
Description Description of the position Read only field
Employment type Employment type Read only field

Click Save to save the employee.

The employees will receive an activation email as soon as they are transferred from a payroll system or after they are saved when creating manually. So it is recommended that all settings in Visma.net Expense are done before transferring or creating employees.

Import employee from file

Import of employees allows the company administrator to import employee data from a CSV-file. The file must contain mandatory data elements according to a specified format.

In order to import employee data, the following steps must be done:

  1. Press the File import button under the list of employees.
  2. Browse to locate the CSV file that shall be imported (or drag and drop it to the pop-up).
  3. After the file is selected the import will start, this is indicated by a progress bar displaying the percentage of the records completed.
  4. When the import is completed, the result is presented. It contains the number of records correctly imported. If some records could not be imported, the row id and reason is displayed.
  5. The employees are now available in the employee list.

File format of the CSV file

The column data must be separated by semicolon (;)

Column name Description Data type/format Mandatory (Y/N)
Code The unique employee number Alpha-numeric Y
Active Indicator if the employee is active or not Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) N/A
Visma.net email The unique used ID in Visma.net. Email address format Y
First name First name of employee Alpha-numeric Y
Middle name Middle name of employee Alpha-numeric N
Last name Last name of employee Alpha-numeric Y
SSN Social security number Alpha-numeric Y
Address1 Address field 1 Alpha-numeric N
Address2 Address field 2 Alpha-numeric N
Zip code Zip code fields Alpha-numeric N
City City field Alpha-numeric N
Country Country field Alpha-numeric N
Initial mileage The initial mileage for the driven kilometer (only for DK companies, can be removed for NO companies) Numeric N
Bank account Bank account number Numeric N
IBAN IBAN number Alpha-numeric N
BIC BIC number Alpha-numeric N
Payment Type The employment type Alpha-numeric Y
Level of cost unit type In the following rows the codes for cost units under the specified cost unit type are added. Header contain cost unit types (1;2) while rows contains cost unit numbers Numeric/Alpha-numeric N

File example

Delete employee

It is possible to delete an employee even if the employee has claims registered. This is according to GDPR regulations. When selecting one of the employees from the list, a Delete button is available.

This also applies for companies with integration to other systems, but then the deletion has to be done from the integrated system.


The company administrator can create groups of employees where each group can have its own settings and rates. For example one group of employees shall have another rate for the type Car or that only one group of employees shall be allowed to get daily allowances when registering travels.

To add a new group

  1. Click the button Add group and fill out the following a. Name - The name of the group b. Code - The code/number of the group c. Active checkbox - To indicate if the group is active or inactive d. Click Save to save the new group

When the group is created, it can be added to the employees.

  1. Go to Settings - Employees & Groups - Employees and select one of the employees from the list.
  2. Under the tab General and the field Group, select the correct group.
  3. Click Save to save the changes.

When the group has been added to the employee(s), the specific settings for the group can be set.

Example 1 - Different rate on the mileage type Car for a specific group

To add a different rate for the specific group

  1. Go to Settings - Types - Mileages
  2. Click the filter for the specific group - presented above the list of types
  3. Select the type Car
  4. Add the rate in the column Company rate and save the row by clicking the green check mark symbol
  5. Save the type by clicking the Save button.

The employees connected to this group will now get the added company rate when registering mileages on this type in the claim.

Example 2 - Disallow daily allowance calculation for a specific group

To change the setting for allowing calculation of daily allowance

  1. Go to Settings - Company configuration - Claim registration settings
  2. Click the filter for the specific group at the top of the page
  3. The checkboxes for allowing daily allowance calculation can then be turned off

The employees connected to this group will as a result not get daily allowance calculated when registering travels in the claims.

Last modified July 8, 2024