SE Rules

Flexible rules and special allowances

For Swedish companies it is possible for the company administrator to create their own daily allowance types to be applied when employees register their travels. These types/rules can differ from government regulations, and are designed to pay out allowances when travelers are normally not eligible for it, or to support internal agreements within a company. There are two types of company generated rules/types that can be set up:

Flexible rules

  • Created to be paid in addition to the standard allowances set by the government
  • Are always taxable

Special allowances

  • Created to paid instead of the standard allowances set by the government
  • Can have a taxable/tax free split

The created allowances types will be applied when users register travel claims. The transactions sent for payroll or bookkeeping will include these. Allowance types can be created on company level and/or on group level.

Flexible rules

Creating Flexible rules

  1. Open Settings - Types - Daily allowances.
  2. Click the Add allowance button.
  3. There are 3 tabs for adding details General, Payroll-Bookkeeping and Rules.
  4. General a. Add the wanted name - will be visible for the end user in the summary panel and summary page. b. Possible to set the type active or inactive. c. Add the rates for the types - that will be calculated based on the rules. Both tax free and taxable values can be given for the allowance type.
  5. Payroll-Bookkeeping a. Select the pay codes and general ledger accounts to be used in payroll and bookkeeping transfers when this allowance type is used.
  6. Rules a. Set the rules for the type- which will dictate how and when the allowances are added. b. Special allowance - No - as this is a Flexible rule. c. Select the rule type - Based on the standard rules in Sweden with a focus on single day or multiple day travel. d. Trigger by - Select if the rule should be triggered by number of days or hours traveled . e. Duration - The travel day range from which the calculation shall start and end. f. Compensation - Select Day if the rule should apply for a date range, select Hour in case this rule applies within hour range. g. Applies abroad - When checked, the rates will be valid for abroad travel and a section for adding countries will be visible. If countries are added the rule will apply for the selected countries, if not, it will apply for all abroad travels. h. Meal deductions - Select if calculations are done by percent or by specific amounts. Add the numbers to match. If Applies abroad is ticked - only percent is available.
  7. After the rules have been entered click Save to save the Flexible rule.

The new allowance type is now saved and it will be applied when employees linked to this company or group are registering claims according to the rules set.

Special allowance

This can be used if the company has local rules and allowances for specific types of travels, like training, conferences etc. This Special allowancewill, when selected in the Add travelpop up, replace the standard regulations as the employee actively chose this compensation, instead of the one from the country default regulations.

In order to make the special allowances work, the set up must reflect the standard rules and include a start, a middle and an end of a travel. This is to ensure all parts of the registration are included when calculating the allowance. Special allowances can be created with different time periods than the ordinary allowances thus enabling companies to build the rules to match the agreements.

Creating Special allowances

  1. Open Settings - Types - Daily allowances.
  2. Click the Add allowance button.
  3. There are 3 tabs for adding details General, Payroll-Bookkeeping and Rules.
  4. General a. Add the wanted name - will be visible for the end user in the Add travel pop up, in the summary panel and summary page. b. Possible to set the type active or inactive c. Add the rates for the types - that will be calculated based on the rules. Both tax free and taxable values can be given for the allowance type.
  5. Payroll-Bookkeeping a. Select the pay codes and general ledger accounts to be used in payroll and bookkeeping transfers when this allowance type is used.
  6. Rules a. Set the rules for the type- which will dictate how and when the allowances are added. b. Special allowance - Yes c. When Special allowances = Yes - a new drop down will appear where there are two options - Main level or Connected to. - Main level = The display name of the rule (visible for end users) - Connected to = all additional types to support the calculation d. Select the rule type - Based on the standard rules in Sweden with a focus on single day or multiple day travel. e. Trigger by - Select if the rule should be triggered by number of days or hours traveled. f. Duration - The travel day range from which the calculation shall start and end. g. Compensation - Select Day if the rule should apply for a date range, select Hour in case this rule applies within hour range. h. Applies abroad - When checked, the rates will be valid for abroad travel and a section for adding countries will be visible. If countries are added the rule will apply for the selected countries, if not, it will apply for all abroad travels. i. Meal deductions - Select if calculations are done by percent or by specific amounts. Add the numbers to match. If Applies abroad is ticked - only percent is available.
  7. After the rules have been entered click Save to save the Special allowance. Remember to create one for the start, one for the middle and one for the end of the travel.

The new allowance type is now saved and it will be available when employees linked to this company or group are registering claims.

Last modified July 8, 2024