Understanding OAuth
Understanding OAuth2 for Visma API integration, including roles, tokens, scopes, grants, and necessary endpoints for secure resource access.
Authentication to Business NXT API is done through Visma Connect. Visma Connect is a multi-tenant identity provider. Tenants are organizations (businesses) that provide an API-context. A given user may have access to multiple tenants and will choose which to connect to your application upon each single sign-on flow.
You’ll need to create an application in the Visma Developer Portal, available at https://oauth.developers.visma.com, before getting started.
To learn more about this process see this document https://oauth.developers.visma.com/service-registry/documentation/overview. Please explore Visma Developer Portal documentation.
Visma Connect endpoint details:
Endpoint | URL |
Discovery | https://connect.visma.com/.well-known/openid-configuration |
Authorization | https://connect.visma.com/connect/authorize |
Token | https://connect.visma.com/connect/token |
Userinfo | https://connect.visma.com/connect/userinfo |
Endsession | https://connect.visma.com/connect/endsession |
Your application requests specific permission scopes and is granted an access token upon a user’s approval.
There are two scenarious that are supported by Visma Connect:
Once the authentication process has completed successfully, you can make API calls by providing the valid access token with each API request using the authorization
Rather than authenticating yourself against connect, your application will have to validate that the webhooks comes from Visma Connect. You will have to make a public endpoint that can take a POST from Visma Connect. The validation
Understanding OAuth2 for Visma API integration, including roles, tokens, scopes, grants, and necessary endpoints for secure resource access.
Guide for integrating services with Business NXT via GraphQL, including registration, authentication, and setup instructions on Visma Developer Portal.
Learn how to set up web applications for integrating with Business NXT, including OAuth authorization essentials.