You can explore the API and execute queries using GraphiQL, which is an web-based integrated development environment (IDE) for GraphQL. GraphiQL enables you to explore the GraphQL schema as well as building and executing queries. This is a very useful tool for getting familiar with our API, preparing your queries, and testing them. For these reasons, GraphiQL provides a better experience than the tools mentioned earlier, enabling you to familiazize yourself with the GraphQL schema and become productive in a short period.
GraphiQL features include the following:
- automatic fetching of schema
- exploration of documentation (built from the schema)
- navigation from the query to documentation by hovering the cursor over a node in the query
- auto completion for query and variables (
) - history of most recent queries (allowing you to run previous queries)
- multiple tabs and multiple queries per tab
- query prettyfier
- syntax coloring
- editing of HTTP headers
You can learn more about GraphiQL from the project documentation. See GraphiQL IDE.
The Business NXT GraphiQL endpoint is
You must be authenticated with your Visma Connect user in order to access GraphiQL.