Delete operations
Delete operations are available through a field having the name of the form <tablename>_delete
of a type having the name of the form <parenttype>_<tablename>_Result
. For instance, for the Associate
table, the field is called associate_delete
and its type is Mutation_UseCompany_Associate_Result
. The result type is the same for inserts, updates, and deletes.
The form of this operation is the following:
associate_delete(filter: FilterExpression_Associate): Mutation_UseCompany_Associate_Result
The <tablename>_delete
field has a single argument called filter
which defines the selection filter for the records to be delete. This is the same filter used for update operations.
A delete operation has the following form (in this example we delete all the associates that have the associateNo
field greater than 546):
mutation delete_associate($cid : Int!)
useCompany(no: $cid)
associate_delete(filter : {
associateNo : {_gt : 546}})
"data": {
"useCompany": {
"associate_delete": {
"affectedRows": 2
The value of the items
field of the return type will always be null
for a delete operation. The API does not return the value of the records that were deleted.