
Using the integration between Visma Document Center, Visma Business, AutoPay and Approval, it is possible to approve documents and payments at once.


The availability of this integration and its features is dependent on the license, and if it is available in your market.

This instruction assumes that you have the correct licenses and have a working installation of the services involved. See Visma Business and Visma Document Center for more information on the integration between Visma Business and Visma Document Center and Approval.

Contact your Visma partner for information regarding purchasing, licensing and activation.


Step 1: Visma Business and Visma Document Center

To be able to use this integration, you must ensure that you have the following versions:

  • Visma Business: version 14.00 or newer
  • Visma Document Center: version 14.00 or newer

Additionally, in Visma Document Center you need to set Send workflows to Approval in the System settings.

Step 2: Role assignment

The following roles are required for users that will pre-approve payments:

  • In Approval: Invoice Approver
  • In AutoPay: AutoPay Approver

Step 3: Two factor authentication (2FA)

Two factor authentication must be set on three levels:

  • For the Company - In Admin, go to Companies - open the company and set Enable two-step verification for AutoPay.
  • On the user - The user needs to go to My details from the company selector and ensure that two-step verification is activated.
  • In the AutoPay agreement In AutoPay, go to Administration - Bank agreements and set the two-step authentication to at least be on approval.

Step 4: Setup in AutoPay

The last step before you can approve the invoice and the payment in one go, you need to enable the functionality in AutoPay. To do so, go to Administration - Companies and select Allow pre-approval.

Pre-approving payments

It is possible to pre-approve payment of multiple invoices for multiple companies at once.

  1. Send one or more invoices from Visma Document Center to Approval.
  2. See Visma Document Center for more information about sending invoices.
  3. In Approval, open the task and click Approve and pay.
  4. The invoice will disappear from the task list, and is now located in a bundle on top of the task list view. If the invoice should not be in the bundle and be approved for payment, then click Cancel approval to dissolve the bundle and show the invoice in the task list again.
  5. Click Pay when the bundle is complete.
  6. Sign the payment in the 2 factor authentication pop-up window.

The System Administrator can find the invoices that have been pre-approved in the Process overview. In the document data section of a process, the Payment approved displays “yes” if the invoice was approved and paid, and “no” if the invoice only has been approved but not paid through the two factor authentication. In this document data section you can also see any warnings related to the payment.

In Visma Business, predefine a separate tab for pre-approved payments, only for the transactions carrying a value in the Approval token column. These should not be exported together with the other payments that are not pre-approved.

When uploading the payment suggestion to AutoPay, the unique token is checked and the payment is accepted as pre-approved with status Sent to bank. You do not need to approve as it has been pre-approved. Click Show events on the payment to see the pre-approval information.

Last modified July 10, 2024