Depending on the services you have activated, you can assign different approver roles to users. The approvers only have access to their tasks and to a limited set of settings. The user can also appoint a substitute to cover their tasks during absences.
We will here describe the roles that are relevant for using Approval.
Customer Administrator
The Customer Administrator role is normally used by your Visma partner. This role does not grant any access to your company in Approval.
The Customer Administrator can:
- Create your company
- Activate purchased services
- Assign roles
System Administrator
The system administrator for Approval has access to additional windows within Approval that allow you to configure the service and monitor all tasks of all users.
The system administrator has access to the following windows:
- Document overview: Gives access to all the documents in the company and allows you to handle blocked documents.
- Process overview: Gives access to all active and completed workflow processes.
- Task overview: Gives access to all the tasks in the company and allows you to reassign tasks to other approvers.
- Settings: Allows you to create and manage workflows and manage all substitutes in the company.
System Viewer
The System viewer is a role intended for auditors and partners or support agents to help you if necessary. The system viewer has the following access rights:
- Document overview: View all documents in the company, but cannot send documents for approval or approve/reject directly.
- Process overview: View the active and completed workflow processes.
- Task overview: View all the tasks in a company, but cannot reassign tasks to other approvers.
- Settings: View the settings accessible to the system administrator. No changes can be done, except from changes in the workflow configuration, where you can see the impact of the changes without being able to save them.
The system viewer does not receive any email notifications and is not shown in any user drop-downs. It is therefore not possible to assign tasks to the system viewer.
Depending on the services you have activated, you can assign different approver roles to users. The approvers only have access to their tasks and to a limited set of settings.
The following approver roles are available:
- Absence Approver: To approve leave requests sent by employees via Calendar.
- Expense Approver: To approve expense sheets sent by employees via Expense or the project module in ERP.
- Invoice Approver: To approve invoices from suppliers. These invoices may be sent from ERP, AccountView or Visma Document Center.
- Information Approver: To approve information such as supplier information sent from Visma Control.
- Timesheet Approver: To approve timesheets sent by employees via Calendar or the project module in ERP.
- Voucher Approver: To approve vouchers sent from Visma Control.
- Order Approver: To approve purchase orders from suppliers.