My history

My history gives you access to all active and completed workflow processes that you have received a task for. A workflow process is an approval request. A single document may have several workflow processes, if it was rejected or cancelled, and then resubmitted.


This functionality is only accessible for approvers. The system administrator has access to the same information via the Process overview.

Active processes

In this window you can view information about the documents you are asked to approve where the approval process is not yet completed. It is possible that you see a process here for which you have already completed your task. It is then awaiting approval of another approver. You can see the details of a process by clicking the line. You can filter the processes based on a number of criteria, such as the document type, document ID and who the document is from.

Completed processes

The completed processes show the documents that you have approved or rejected and where the approval process is completed. You can filter these in the same way as the active processes. The completed processes contains an extra column with the status of the approval request.

If you receive documents from Visma Document Center, you can use the advanced search to search cost units and general ledger accounts which are used in the accounting grid. This functionality is available for both the active and completed processes. Please note that only cost units and general ledger accounts that are used in documents sent to Approval are shown.

Last modified August 7, 2024