My tasks

You can access and handle all your pending tasks (for all companies for which you are an approver) from the My tasks window.


This functionality is only accessible for approvers.

If you have installed Visma Mobile Manager on your phone, you can also access and approve or reject your tasks on your phone. Please note that not all functions are available from within Visma Mobile Manager.

The My tasks window contains an overview of all tasks assigned to you with basic information such as the supplier or requester, the description, the company, due date of the task and the amount. You can also see an icon if a task is assigned to you because you are a substitute, and/or because it was forwarded to you, you are requested to review it or it was reassigned from another approver by the system administrator. Click on a task to see more details.

Payment bundle

If you have set up pre-approval of payments for invoices using AutoPay, then when you click Approve and pay on a task, the invoice will be bundled for payment and shown on top of the task list. From here, you can either click Pay to open the two factor authentication window and pay the invoice(s) in the bundle, or you can click Cancel approval to dissolve the bundle. Read more about pre-approval for AutoPay

Search options

  • Search: Enter a text in the search field to show only tasks containing that text.
  • Date: Select from the Date drop-down list which type of date you want to filter on.
  • All companies/Current company: Select whether you want to show tasks for all companies you are an approver for, or to only see the tasks for the company that is currently selected in the company selector.
  • Sort: Click on any of the table headers to sort the tasks to sort the task list on that information. Clicking on the header again will change between ascending and descending sorting.

Options in My tasks

  • Open single task: Click on a task to open it and see all details about the task.
  • Open multiple tasks: Select several or all tasks and click Open. The first task in the list opens and you can navigate through the tasks with the arrows on top. Click Close to return back to the task list.
  • Approve or reject a single task: Click the Approve or Reject button in the task row.
  • Approve multiple tasks: Select all tasks you want to approve and click Approve selected. This way, you can approve a batch of tasks at the same time. If you select multiple tasks that have a monetary value of the same currency, you can see the full amount of the documents in the Approve button. Please note that it is not possible to reject tasks this way.
  • Postpone one or more tasks: Postpone a task so you will not be reminded of it until the new task due date. To postpone a task reminder, select one or more tasks and click on the split button and choose Postpone. Then enter when you want to be reminded about the task, add a comment and click OK. Please note that postponing your task has no impact on other approvers (in the same step or in sequential steps) or on the due date of the document. If you postpone your task until after the document is due, other approvers will immediately receive an overdue notification once their task is activated.
  • Forward a task: Select a task and click on the split button and choose Forward to hand over the task to another person who will make the approve decision.
  • Review a task: If you are asked to review a task, you can either click on the review icon in the task, or select the task and click on the split button and choose Review. You will be asked to enter a comment before the review is completed.
  • Request review on a task: Select a task and click on the split button and choose Request review to send the document to another person for review. Once the document is reviewed, it is returned to you.
  • Email a task: Select a task and click on the split button and choose Email to send the task by email. If you choose to include the document, it will be sent as a zip-file. This will not reassign the task; you are still responsible for making the approve decision.

Task details

When you open a task from the My tasks window, you see more information about the document you have been requested to approve. When you open a document from My history or the Process overview you will see the same window in read-only mode.

Detaching of the Document Viewer

The possibility to view the document in a separate window.

Editing the document

The possibility to edit a document is dependent on the integration, and also how the editing is done. There are two different ways of editing a document

Last modified July 10, 2024