August 2023


We have made the following fixes for Budgeting:

  • Fixed an issue where the Get Templates button in the Budgeting module disappeared when using Back.
  • Fixed an issue where categorizing and copying budget templates didn't work properly before refreshing the page.
  • Fixed an issue where budget templates started on the wrong sheet.
  • Added support for remembering groups and sheets when saving budgets so that users can continue their work where they left off before saving.


We have added endpoint-to-model mapping for all integrations. Reports should now correctly display when data was last updated.

New Administration

We have fixed a typo where an English word appeared in the Norwegian translation (Roles-Roller).


We have fixed an issue where parameter chaining didn't work when an assignment had the Let user decide option.


In Data Manager, we have removed rows from ExtDimProject, that are not linked to existing project.


In Get Data, we have added Modify datetime filter to the Project endpoint to improve data imports.

We have fixed an issue where fields in Data Manager were left empty after saving data (EntityKey did not update correctly for extension tables when the ODP company Id changes).

Bugs & Feature Req. Integration Module FactSet/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment
Feature Request Visma Business / Business NXT / Business NXT Live Sales Orders Document Order Lines Period & Product Added a link to Period and Product in Document Order
Feature Request Multiple Period Functions Added period function "This Quarter Last Year" to Report Designer
Bug Visma Business / Business NXT / Business NXT Live System This Company Added missing Finnish translations
Feature Request Visma Business Document Added DocumentId to FactSet Document
Feature Request Visma Business / Business NXT / Business NXT Live Product Product Added a link to Source Country in the Product dimension
Feature Request Visma Business / Business NXT / Business NXT Live Multiple Multiple GR-fields Added a group description with translation depending on user settings
Sist endret 02.08.2024