August 2024

Releasenotes juni-august 2024



Business NXT

Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Business NXT Group Reporting Finance Vouchers Multiple Fixed an issue where the Voucher table would not remove deleted transactions during nightly scheduled imports. 27, 28, 29 & 30
Business NXT Group Reporting Finance Budget Lines Multiple Fixed an issue where deleted Budget Lines were not removed from our DW. 25 & 26
Business NXT Finance OSR Budget Foundation Created Date Fixed an issue where Created date did not get updated for new rows in datamanger (OSRBudgetFoundation). 25 & 26
Business NXT Finance Budget Lines Memo file name Added Memo file name to Budget Lines and renamed the old memofilename field. See explanation in Jira case. Also added some missing translations. 24
Business NXT Finance Budget Lines Memo file name Added Memo file name to Budget Lines and renamed the old memofilename field. See explanation in Jira case. Also added some missing translations. 23
Business NXT Multiple Multiple VoucherLink/ WebPage Link Fixed an issue where voucher links would not appear for some companies. 34
Business NXT Multiple (1) General ledger transactions, (2) Updated voucher, (3) Open supplier entries, (4) Supplier transactions, (5) Historic supplier transactions Voucher link & WebPageLink We’ve added a voucher link for incoming documents to several factsets and created unified fields for both WebPageLink and VoucherLink in all factsets that contain both attributes. This means users only need to manage one field for voucher links. 27, 28, 29 & 30
Business NXT Grup Reporting Multiple Multiple Multiple Increased character limit of several fields to support a change in BNXT 25 & 26
Business NXT Group Reporting Multiple Multiple Invoref Updated character limit for InvoRef in several tables to support change in Business NXT. 25 & 26
Business NXT Group Reporting, Business NXT N/A N/A N/A We had to revert the changes to the naming of the integrations, Business NXT Group reporting and Business NXT, back to Business NXT and Business NXT Live, due to issues with data import. 27, 28, 29 & 30
Business NXT Group Reporting, Business NXT N/A N/A N/A We fixed the issues with data imports and were able to complete the name change: Business NXT Cloud → Business NXT Group Reporting Business NXT Live → Business NXT 27, 28, 29 & 30

Visma Net

Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Visma Net Accounts Payable Supplier Invoice Lines Multiple Enhanced runtime on reports ran on supplier invoice lines by moving the SQL query from Model to connector 25 & 26
Visma Net Accounts Receivable Customer Invoice Multiple Enhanced runtime on reports ran on Customer Invoices by moving the SQL query from Model to connector. 25 & 26
Visma Net Finance General Ledger Transactions Transaction Code- and Description Added transactionCode and transactionCodeDescription to general ledger transactions. 34
Visma Net Sales Sales orders/ Project Fixed Multiple Fixed an issue where the Fixed Project dimension was not working in the Sales Orders factset. A full import of Sales Orders is needed for this to work. 25 & 26
Visma Net Supplier transactions Supplier invoice lines Multiple Fixed typos in the Norwegian translations in Supplier Invoice Lines. 24
Visma Net Multiple Multiple Multiple Fixed an issue where VatCategoryID did not work in filtering and lookups due to wrong data type. 24
Visma Net Multiple Credit Terms Multiple Added a new Dimension (Job) Credit Terms. The new dimension replaces the old one that was based on SQL query. The existing data weren’t migrated to the new table so the full import is needed. 25 & 26
Visma Net Multiple Multiple Multiple Hide End Quantity attribute and change Factset base to SQL table. This increases runtime of reports built on multiple dimensions. 25 & 26
Visma Net N/A N/A N/A Removed contents of sub tables which are copied to COM table (COMDimKitSpecificationComponents). Sub tables are not used in the report model 31
Visma Net N/A N/A N/A Removed contents of sub tables which are copied to COM tables (COMFactProjectTransaction, COMFactFixedAssetTransactions). Sub tables are not used in the report model 31
Visma Net N/A N/A N/A Removed contents of sub tables which are copied to COM tables (COMFactGLBudget, COMFactSalesOrderLine). Sub tables are not used in the report model 31

Visma NET / Severa (Project Management)

Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week Severa (Project Management) Project Management N/A Workhours Added plannedInvoiceQuantity to WorkHours module. Please note that a full import is required to fetch data for the new field. 25 & 26

Visma Business

Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Visma Business Group Reporting Global Supplier Transactions Purchase and Vat amount Added attributes Purchase and Vat amount. 27, 28, 29 & 30
Visma Business Group Reporting Global General Ledger Transactions Exchange rate and change.. Added attributes Exchange Rate, Changed by user, Changed date, and Changed time. 27, 28, 29 & 30


Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Tripletex Finance Non-posted vouchers Multiple Updated non-posted vouchers to include more details 23

PowerOffice Go

Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
PowerOffice Go Company Is Agriculture Client N/A Is Agriculture Client has been added to the company dimension. 27, 28, 29 & 30
PowerOffice GO Finance OSR Budget Foundation Multiple Resolved an issue where storing values to OSR Budget would fail due to a COLLATE error. 32
PowerOffice Go Finance General Ledger Transactions Quantity and Quantity 2 The attributes Quantity and Quantity 2 have been added to the General Ledger Transactions. 27, 28, 29 & 30
PowerOffice Go Finance General Ledger Transactions Trial Balance, Project Trial Balance, Budget PowerOffice, Budget Transactions (OSR Budget) Added support for agriculture companies. We have added support for the new 6 digit account plan used by agriculture companies. The 6 digit accounts will be activated if the company is registered in POGO as an agriculture company (IsAgricultureClient = 1 (True)). Consequently, all accounts will be changed to this format: XXXX.XX (e.g., 3000.60). 27, 28, 29 & 30
PowerOffice Go Sales N/A N/A Fixed pagination for Invoice Journal and Invoice Journal Sales Lines. Hid both factsets in the report designer to prevent the creation of new reports using those factsets. Please note that a full import is required, as the issue with the import persists longer than date period for scheduled 27, 28, 29 & 30
PowerOffice Go Multiple Companies for Group Reporting Free 1, Free 2, Free 3 Added Free Fields to Companies for group reporting. 23


Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Softrig/Uni Economy OSR Budget Foundation Department N/A Fixed an issue where storing Department was not working in OSR Budget Transactions. 24
Softrig/UniEconomy Multiple Multiple Multiple Fixed storage for multiple dimensions in OSR Budget Transactions. 25 & 26
Softrig N/A N/A N/A Updated the Api URLs used for all instances to avoid issues in the future. 23
Softrig N/A N/A N/A Added support for additional instances and updated name of existing instances. 23
Softrig N/A N/A N/A Added filials Azets and DNB Regnskap 34


Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
UniEconomy Multiple Free dimensions/ Template dimensions Multiple Changed dimension name to attributes “name” and “number” in drilldown and report designer. Example: “Employee name” instead of “Name 1”. 32

Control Edge

Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Control Edge Budget Multiple Multiple Added Scenario, Budget lines, missing link to Budget Module, and line item details. 24


Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment
Xledger Multiple Period Multiple Added periods up to 203012


Module Comment Week
Budgeting Fixed an issue where it was not possible to store data to the BNXT database. 33
Data Manager Fixed an issue where filtering did not work. 24
Dashboard Fixed an issue where Swedish Dashboards after the update of Chart of Accounts on the Visma Business integration. 23
General Launched new platform for user documentation. Documentation 35
General Remember which company context is used across modules 🎉🚀. 27, 28, 29 & 30
General Make inventory of all used dimensions and attributes. 24
Imports Fixed an issue where the imports for Vat Categories failed. 25 & 26
Publisher Fixed an issue where scheduled publisher jobs did not go through. 35
Publisher Fixed daily publisher job so that they can handle scheduling on time 23:59. 25 & 26
Report Designer Fixed an issue where some reports connected to the integrations Business NXT, Business NXT Group Reporting or Visma Business would fail to open in Report Designer. 27, 28, 29 & 30
Reporting Visualize sum, count, and average of marked cells in reports/ Budgets. Visualize Data 27, 28, 29 & 30
Reporting Added possibility to automatically convert Visma Business reports to Business NXT reports. 25 & 26
Reporting Moved comment sheet to the back of reports/ packages. 25 & 26
Reporting Added an error message informing users that they do not have access to any companies when running reports. 25 & 26
Workflow Fixed an issue where it was not possible to select a date in workflow. 33

Standardmaler rapport og budsjett/prognose

Business NXT

Integrasjon Budsjettmal Endringsbeskrivelse Type Uke
Business NXT Resultatbudsjett - Totalt Korrigert overskrift på kolonne for totalt budsjett til riktig år Vedlikehold 35
Business NXT Resultatbudsjett - Avdeling pr ark Korrigert overskrift på kolonne for totalt budsjett til riktig år. Korrigert parameter for opphenting av rullerende måneder i ark per avdeling Bug 35
Business NXT Alle Tatt bort nummerering og LIVE i navnet på alle rapporter Vedlikehold 31

Visma Net

Integrasjon Budsjettmal Endringsbeskrivelse Type Uke
Visma Net 1.5 Resultat Avdeling (Segment 1) Oppdatert beskrivelse Vedlikehold 31
Visma Net Balanse - Total Oppdatert beskrivelse, samt korrigert etikett fra balanse til budsjett Vedlikehold 31
Visma Net Resultatbudsjett - Avdeling pr ark Oppdatert beskrivelse Vedlikehold 31
Visma Net Resultatbudsjett - Totalt Oppdatert beskrivelse Vedlikehold 31

Visma Business

Integrasjon Budsjettmal Endringsbeskrivelse Type Uke
Visma Business Budsjett - Lønn Lønnsbudsjettet viser lønnskostnader per ansatt i en avdeling i en tolvmåneders periode basert på data fra “inputmal”. Ny budsjettmal 35
Visma Business Budsjett - Lønn (input) Inputmalen brukes til å lagre data som relaterer seg til håndtering av lønn og sosiale kostnader på ansattnivå. Ny budsjettmal 35
Visma Business Budsjett - Resultatbudsjett per R1 (Avdeling) Denne budsjettmalen lar sluttbrukeren legge inn budsjett på selskapsnivå, for R1 (avdeling). Ny budsjettmal 35
Visma Business Budsjett - Balanse Balansebudsjettet viser bevegelsen i en tolvmåneders periode for hele neste år basert på valgt periode i parameter “Siste periode for faktiske tall”. Ny budsjettmal 35
Visma Business 3.0 Likviditetsoversikt 30 dager Endret kontointervall for bankinnskudd fra 1900:1950 til 1990:1999. Vedlikehold 35
Visma Business Balanse - Total Endret navn til Balansebudsjett - Total. Vedlikehold 35

PowerOffice Go

Integrasjon Budsjettmal Endringsbeskrivelse Type Uke
POGO 0.1 Månedlig rapportpakke Endret tekst i salgsrapport per kunde og produkt fra “uten prosjekt” til “uten produkt” Vedlikehold 35
POGO 0.1 Månedlig rapportpakke med budsjett fra POGO Endret tekst i salgsrapport per kunde og produkt fra “uten prosjekt” til “uten produkt” Vedlikehold 35
POGO 0.2 Tomånedlig rapportpakke Endret tekst i salgsrapport per kunde og produkt fra “uten prosjekt” til “uten produkt” Vedlikehold 35
POGO 0.3 Kvartalvis rapportpakke Endret tekst i salgsrapport per kunde og produkt fra “uten prosjekt” til “uten produkt” Vedlikehold 35
POGO 1.4 Salgsrapport - produkt solgt per kunde Endret tekst i salgsrapport per kunde og produkt fra “uten prosjekt” til “uten produkt” Vedlikehold 35
POGO Balanse - Total Endret navn til Balansebudsjett - Totalt. Oppdatert beskrivelse og tatt bort etikett for balanse Vedlikehold 35
POGO Resultatbudsjett - Avdeling pr ark Lagt til totalt ark for valgte avdelinger, samt oppdatert beskrivelse Vedlikehold 35
Sist endret 16.09.2024