Mars 2025



Business NXT

Integration Module in Report Designer Dataset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Business NXT Added support for .tif files for incoming vouchers 10
Business NXT Finance General Ledger Transactions Added support for viewing outgoing voucher documents. The same Voucherlink field as for incoming documents will be used. In order for a link to an outgoing document to appear, the transactions must have an invoice number and a customer number. Business NXT has informed us that there could be some cases where it will not work; For instance - those who reuse the same number series yearly and migrated data from other solutions that do not follow BNXT standards. For now we have only added the voucherlink field to the General Ledger dataset. Once we see that everything works as expected, we will add it to other datasets as well. 9


Integration Module in Report Designer Dataset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
PowerOffice General ledger Trial balance Period Added Period to the Balance dataset. Now you are able to get the incoming balance per account per year. Note that you will only get a balance amount for the first period of each fiscal year. Balance amount field is renamed to “Incoming balance per year (Inngående balanse per år)” to reflect this change. 10

24Seven Office

Integration Module in Report Designer Dataset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
24SevenOffice General Ledger Free dimensions Fixed an issue where free dimensions would not be generated if the first free dimension had been deleted 9


Integration Module in Report Designer Dataset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Severa Work Days Added a new dimension called Work Days which provides data on expected work hours, entered hours, and other relevant information for a given user based on their work contracts in Severa. It also incorporates data for public holidays and half-days set at the company level. It is available both as a standalone dimension and linked to the Workhours dataset. Please ensure a full import on the Work Days endpoint is completed before using the new dimension. 10
Severa Fixed an issue where deleted project fees would still appear in reports by adding an endpoint to exclude them. Please note that a full import on Project Fees is required to ensure the deleted project fees are removed from reports. 10

Control Edge

Integration Module in Report Designer Dataset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Control Edge Accounting General ledger Transaction and Supplier Ledger Added support for viewing incoming voucher documents! A new Voucherlink field has been added to General ledger Transaction and Supplier Ledger. The link redirects the user to the Invoice Manager system in Control Edge, where they can view the corresponding document. Note that the user will need to be logged into Control Edge to be able to view the document 9


Module Comment Week
Publisher Fixed an issue where scheduled publisher jobs would not run when transferred to another user. 9
General Added multi space names in confirm dialogs for deleting clients, users, etc. 9
Workflow Move toolbar buttons to action buttons in subpages connected to workflow. action.png 10
Sist endret 11.03.2025