May 2023

Support for Merge & Center in expanded rows and columns in the portal

We now support the Excel-function Merge & Center in expanded rows and columns in the portal.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Previously, this function was only supported in Report Designer, and in the portal in instances where groups did not expand.

This change will affect existing reports (if Merge & Center is in use) as well as all new reports.

NOTE: There might be instances in certain report designs where Merge & Center is still not supported. Create a support-ticket through the partner portal or if you experience this issue.

New Administration

Added columns on Users tab

We have added new columns to the User tab in the new Administration:

  • Roles: All roles that the user is connected to.
  • Status: If user has pending invitation or is active
  • Is Auditor: If user is auditor or not
  • Employee setting: If user is external or internal employee
  • Last logged in: Date and time when user last logged in to portal.

Assign or unassign Roles (for distribution)

We have added the possibility to assign or unassign roles for a user from the settings for a user on the Users tab.

Distribution: Distribute reports with the same tenant as source and destination

We have added the possibility to distribute a report with the same tenant as source and destination.

Budgeting: Budget template information missing

We have fixed an issue where information fields for budgeting template details were missing.

Administration: User reports timed out

We have fixed an issue where very large user reports timed out.

Dashboards: Display issue for Business NXT integration

We have fixed an issue where users who had both Business NXT integrations would only display Dashboard data from the Live integration.

Bugs & Feature Req. Integration Module Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment
Feature Request Business NXT API, Business NXT Live Multiple Multiple Week Added new fields for TransactionWeek based on the voucher, value -and due date.
Feature Request Visma Global Multi Company Reporting Global Company Budget Foundation FreeDimension Added FreeDimension (OSR specific dimension in Data Manager) to Multi Company Reporting. NOTE! MCL Setup has to be run before this change will take effect.
Feature Request Tripletex Accounting Budget Transaction Implemented a new endpoint for budgets. OSR now fetches all budgets (Company, department, project, product, and employee).
Bug Tripletex Fixed an issue where budget data was missing
Feature Request Visma Business, Business NXT API, Business NXT Live Multiple Multiple Added R-fields as normal attributes to Customer and Supplier. Also added these to the Multi-Company solution
Feature Request POGO Time Tracking Time Tracking Entry Added a new solution for time-transactions for POGO. The Time Tracking factset has been updated with a lot of new fields.
Bug Visma Business, Business NXT API, Business NXT Live Finance Budget Transactions Changed the link type for Account in the Budget transactions Factset. Transactions without an account should now appear in Data Manager
Bug Multiple Fixed a data-import error for WareHouseLocations.
Bug Project Management Customer Fixed an error that caused storing for ext. fields to fail
Bug Visma Business General Ledger Voucher Fixed an issue where values from December differed when running a report for the whole year compared to running it exclusively for December
Feature Request Visma Business, Business NXT API, Business NXT Live Finance Account Added new endpoint: Account Type
Feature Request Visma Business, Business NXT API, Business NXT Live Finance Batch Added new endpoint: Batch
Feature Request Business NXT API, Business NXT Live Multiple Multiple Added new endpoints: Accounting Documents, Approval Tasks, and Approval Task Log Change
Sist endret 07.08.2024