Oktober 2024
Business NXT
Integration | Module in Report Designer | Factset/Dimension | Attribute/Measures | Comment | Week |
Business NXT Group Reporting | Multiple | Account | SAF-T | Added SAF-T to the account dimension. | 40 |
Business NXT, Business NXT Group Reporting | Multiple | VAT Code | SAF-T Tax code | Added SAF-T tax code to VAT Code dimension to Group Reporting, and added missing translations to all three integrations | 42 |
Business NXT/ Business NXT Group Reporting | N/A | N/A | N/A | Fixed an issue where some customers were not able to connect to Business NXT due to an object reference error | 42 |
Business NXT Group Reporting | N/A | N/A | N/A | Fixed an issue where some imports would fail for the endpoint order lines | 42 |
Business NXT Group Reporting | OSR Budget Foundation | OSR Currency Rates | N/A | Fixed an issue where updating empty currency rates failed | 41 |
Integration | Module in Report Designer | Factset/Dimension | Attribute/Measures | Comment | Week |
Visma Net | Finance | General Ledger Balance | Multiple | Fixed an issue where imports would fail for certain companies. | 41 |
Visma Net | Finance | General Ledger transactions | Multiple | Fixed an issue where some GL transactions were deleted as a part of the nightly imports. This was due to different last modified dates between General ledger Transactions and Journal Transactions. | 41 |
Visma Net | Multiple | Multiple | Voucherlink | Fixed an issue where purchase and sales invoices with the same reference number could show the wrong voucher. | 40 |
Visma Net | Multiple | Multiple | Voucherlink | Fixed an issue where the wrong voucher could be shown if the sales and purchase invoice had the same reference number. | 41 |
Visma Net | Sales Order | Sales Orders | SchedShipment | Updated data type on attribute SchedShipment to datetime. | 40 |
Visma Net | TimeCard | TimeCard Summary | Employee Number | Fixed a bug where employee number would be empty after import. | 41 |
Visma Business
Integration | Module in Report Designer | Factset/Dimension | Attribute/Measures | Comment | Week |
Visma Business | Multiple | VAT Code | SAF-T Tax code | Added SAF-T tax code to VAT Code dimension to Group Reporting, and added missing translations to all three integrations | 42 |
Integration | Module in Report Designer | Factset/Dimension | Attribute/Measures | Comment | Week |
24SevenOffice | N/A | N/A | N/A | Fixed an issue where imports would fail for some customers. | 41 |
Integration | Module in Report Designer | Factset/Dimension | Attribute/Measures | Comment | Week |
Softrig | N/A | N/A | N/A | Added filial for AbacusIT | 41 |
Visma Administrasjon
Module in Report Designer | Integration | Factset/Dimension | Attribute/Measures | Comment |
N/A | Visma Administrasjon | N/A | N/A | Added the possibility to add more customers to Visma Administration. The feature was shortly unavailable. |
Business NXT Group Reporting | Multiple | Account, Account Group | ChangeDateTime | Replace date specifier based on changeDate to changeDateTime for Accounts and Accounts Groups |
General Ledger | Visma Net | Employee | Active | Fixed an error where attribute active was not updated in nightly imports for the employee dimension. Employee Fixed & Employee. |
General Ledger | 24SevenOffice | Budget Transactions | Multiple | Resolved an issue where accounts would be duplicated for all companies in group reporting, regardless of company parameter. |
Module | Comment | Week |
Administration | Fixed an issue where ownership of publishing jobs would not be moved when moving content between users. | 41 |
Administration | Added possibility to expand groups in the sidebar menu by clicking the grey area instead of only the downward arrow. ![]() |
42 |
Connection | Add possibility to view companies not related to any connections in Administrations. Available for all cloud based ERP-systems. ![]() |
40 |
Connection | Hide multiple integrations with little use: | 41 |
- Uni Economy (The Softrig integration should be used instead) | ||
- Visma eAccounting | ||
- Visma Administration | ||
- Visma Lønn | ||
- PP7 | ||
- InfoEasy | ||
- Mamut | ||
- Duett | ||
- Navision | ||
These integrations will no longer be available for new customers. | ||
General | Changed the name of the module “Distribution rules” to “Allocation keys”. The name change was only done for the English language. | 41 |
My profile | Fixed an issue where users changing their email address did not receive a verification link in the verification email sent. | 40 |
Reporting | Updated SpreadJS version after fixing error with named ranges. | 40 |
Reporting | Fixed an issue where users would get a server error when looking up values for Business NXT. Issue was fixed after a few minutes. | 41 |
Workflow | Improve the search and select functionality for choosing receivers for budget assignments. Previously the selection could be disrupted when searching or clicking name ![]() |
44 |
Standardmaler rapport og budsjett/prognose
Integrasjon | Budsjettmal | Endringsbekrivelse | Type | Uke |
Business NXT | Saldobalanse - valgfri periode | Rettet summering av bevelgelse pr periode | Vedlikehold | 44 |
POGO | 1.1 Resultatrapport | Lukket grupper, satt på frys kolonner og rader på rad og kolonne, endret farge på avvikskolonner | Vedlikehold | 44 |
Visma Business | 1.3 Balanse | Satt på frys på rad og kolonne | Vedlikehold | 44 |
Visma Net | Budsjett - Lønn | Lønnsbudsjettet viser lønnskostnader per ansatt i en avdeling i en tolvmåneders periode basert på data fra “inputmal”. Selve lønnen og beregning av sosiale kostnader skjer automatisk basert på data fra inputmalen. Alle oppgavepliktige kostnader per person legges inn manuelt i budsjettet | Ny budsjettmal | 44 |
Visma Net | Budsjett - Lønn (input) | Inputmalen brukes til å lagre data som relaterer seg til håndtering av lønn og sosiale kostnader på ansattnivå. Data som kan legges til de ansatte er avdeling, årslønn, lønnsøkning, startperiode, sluttperiode, stillingsprosent, AGA sats, FP sats, OTP 0-7,1 G sats og OTP 7,1-12 G sats. I tillegg skal det legges inn sats for Grunnbeløp (G), periode for utbetaling av feriepenger og periode for lønnsendring. | Ny budsjettmal | 44 |
Visma Net | Budsjett - Resultatbudsjett per R1 (Avdeling) | Denne budsjettmalen lar sluttbrukeren legge inn budsjett på selskapsnivå, for Segment 1 (avdeling). Faktiske tall viser 12 mnd rullerende bakover fra valgt periode. Budsjettet lagres til OSR sine budsjett-tabeller. Budsjettmalen er bygget på kontoplan definert i portalen | Ny budsjettmal | 44 |
Visma Net | Budsjett - Balanse | Balansebudsjettet viser bevegelsen i en tolvmåneders periode for hele neste år basert på valgt periode i parameter “Siste periode for faktiske tall”. Inngående balanse er en prognose bestående av faktiske tall hittil og input for resterende perioder. Periode for faktiske tall defineres i parameter “siste periode for faktiske tall”. Input fylles inn for resterende perioder og IB for budsjettåret er summen av faktiske tall og prognosen. | Ny budsjettmal | 44 |
Visma Net | Balanse - Total | Endret navn til Balansebudsjett - Total. Endret i inngående balanse slik at budsjettet tar utgangspunkt i faktiske tall + budsjett/prognose . Rapporten kan brukes til budsjettpakken i OSR. | Vedlikehold | 44 |
Visma Net | Budsjett - Resultatbudsjett per Kostnadsbærer 1 | Fjernet faktiske tall på linje som henter fra lønnsbudsjett. Faktisk ble presentert dobbelt | Vedlikehold | 44 |
Comment | Week |
Increased the frequency of data fetching. Imports will now fetch updated data starting on the 5th and running to the 18th of each month. This means that invoices sent will be picked up every night between the 5th and the 18th. | 40 |
Updated all datasets and linked services in ADF to use the new Big Query connector. As a result, the imports should run much faster now. | 40 |
Updated all pipelines to fetch data in larger increments to make use of the new ADF connector capabilities. | 40 |