
Create and edit report templates / Run reports

Here you can create report templates, run reports, and share reports with your colleagues.

In the Reporting window, you can see report templates created by you or your colleagues. Report templates that have not been published, are displayed with the Draft status icon.

If you want to refine the list of reports in your report library, use the filter on the right side of the screen.

Options in the Reporting screen

Button Name Description
Layout Click one of these buttons to change the layout of the report template view.
Open Click here to open and view the selected report template. Opening a report template also gives you access to options like sharing and archiving. See Open report template.
Open in Excel Click here to open the report in a run-only mode in Excel. No editing is possible in this mode and the Design mode is disabled.
Edit Click here to edit the selected report template or package.
Delete Click here to delete the selected report templates and/or packages.
Duplicate Click here to create a copy of the selected report template. See Duplicate report template.
Publish Click here to publish the report template. This option is only available if the report template is a draft. See Publish report template.
Categorize Click this button to categorize the selected report templates. See Manage categories.
Add to package Click here to add the selected report templates to a package. See Package reports.
Download Click here to download the report template (for example as a backup).
Upload Click here to upload a report template to the portal.
New Click here to create a new report template. See Create report template.
Last modified August 7, 2024