Manage companies
View user's company access
- Go to Administration.
- At the top, group or client level, go to the Companies tab.
- Click on a company. In the pane that opens, you can see a list of all users that have access to that company and if they have full or partial access.
Delete company/companies
- Go to Administration.
- Select the level of which you want to delete companies in the tree structure (Top, group or client level).
- (If group or top level is selected) Click Companies.
- In the Company name list, select ✅ the company/companies you want to delete.
- Click Actions.
- Click Delete companies.
- In the Delete companies dialog, in the text field, enter the name of the first company exactly as it is spelled in the text field box.
- (If one of the selected companies contains workflow or budget assignments) Click Show companies in the dialog.
- Go to the company/companies in the list and delete workflow and/or budget assignments to continue with the bulk delete.
WARNING: When you delete a company, you also delete the following data related to the company:
- Data access filters
- Publishing jobs
- All data transferred from your ERP system
- All stored budgeting data
- All additional stored data