
Using operators is one way you can create a customized filter. Similar to operators in mathematics or programming languages, the operators dictate an action or procedure taken by the Report Designer.

Figure: Filter operators in Report Designer

In the first drop-down box, these two options are available:

Option Function
blank Will include all data inside the specified filter.
Not Will include all data outside the specified filter.

If there are multiple filters in the same group, these options will also be available in the first drop-down box:

Option Function
And Will filter the first condition AND the second condition.
Or Will filter the first condition OR the second condition.
And Not Will filter the first condition AND NOT the second condition.
Or Not Will filter the first condition OR NOT the second condition.

In the second drop-down box, these filter operators are available:

Option Function
In dimension is In… (the selected parameters)
<> dimension is Not equal to… (the selected parameters)
< dimension is Less than… (for numerical values)
> dimension is Greater than… (for numerical values)
<= dimension is Less than or equal to… (for numerical values)
>= dimension is Greater than or equal to… (for numerical values)
Begins with dimension Begins with… (for any phrase contained in the dimension)
Ends with dimension Ends with… (for any phrase contained in the dimension)
Contains dimension Contains… (any part of the phrase contained in the dimension)
Like OSR Report Designer will retrieve any data using “LIKE …” in SQL.*

*The Like operator is for advanced users and requires knowledge of SQL.

Last modified August 2, 2024