July 2023

Duett integration now available for all customers

We are pleased to announce that the Duett integration is now available for all customers.

Reporting - Label OneStop Reporting reports as Internal or External

We have added the possibility for customer administrators to label reports distributed from OneStop Reporting as “internal” or “external”.

Reporting - Use labels as filters

Users can now use labels to filter reports.

To filter on labels;

  1. In Reporting, click Filters .
  2. Under Labels, select the filter you want to filter on.

Reporting - Added status of data imports

We have added statuses for data imports to the Reporting window. The displayed text differs from Cloud and On-Premise integrations

  • Cloud: The text provides information about when the report was run and when the last import was done. If OneStop Reporting has fetched more data since the report was last run, the user will be told to run the report again in order to view the latest updates. The information is based on the data used in the reports and can differ from report to report, if all data is not fetched at the same time.

  • On Premise: Both sentences refer to when the report was last run, as data is fetched directly through the local database and is therefore always up to date.

  • General: In some instances, the status text can display "The age of the data is unknown". This could mean that the report in question has not been run since OneStop Reporting started tracking the age of the data used in the report. In this instance, try running the report to see if the display text changes (this should not be an issue in the future with the same report). Another reason why this text could show up is issues with the connection to the ERP system and data import. Go to the module Import Data or Data Connection to identify the error. For reports connecting data from Visma.net and Severa (PM) or Fenistra, the status text will always say "The age of the data is unknown". This is because this feature is not yet supported by cross-integration reports.

Reporting - Various fixes

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Links in reports were not always working when cells were merged.
  • Dependencies between two parameters in the lookup filter interrupted the running of a report.
  • Running and shutting down reports on repeat led to decreased performance when shutting down reports.

Chart of Accounts - Account group issue for customized Chart of Accounts

We have fixed an issue where some account groups were not available for customers with a customized chart of accounts if the chart of accounts were edited before the release of new account groups.

Import data (for PowerOffice GO) - Improved data reliability and faster imports

We have decreased the maximum number of days for scheduled imports to 5 days. This enforces fetching data based on last changes for scheduled imports, instead of transaction date. Existing scheduled import jobs are automatically updated. No change to manual import jobs. This will result in better data reliability and faster imports.

Bugs & Feature Req. Integration Module Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment
Feature Request Visma Business / Business NXT / Business NXT Live Finance Update Voucher Multiple Added new FactSet for Updated Voucher
Bug UniEconomy Group Reporting Multiple Fixed an issue with fkEntityKey to improve the performance and execution time of many group reports
Bug 24 SevenOffice System This user Changed the display name of the module system and the FactSet This user. Previously the display name was "0"
Feature Request Visma.net General Ledger Added Filter to Financial Period. Now the imports for Custom Date work without errors
Bug Visma Business / Business NXT / Business NXT Live Capital Asset Capital Asset Balance Multiple Added new FactSet for Capital Asset Balance
Feature Request Softrig, UniEconomy Group Reporting Fixed an issue where the companies for Companies For Group Reporting would not be fetched correctly
Bug Visma Business / Business NXT / Business NXT Live Sales Orders Multiple Multiple Added Finnish translations for Order Type and Trans Type
Feature Request Visma.net Accounts Payable Supplier Invoice Lines Multiple Added discounted prices to Supplier Invoice Lines
Feature Request Visma.net Multiple Multiple Updated API for Earning Type Dimension to fix the link in Project Transactions Factset, added a link to Time Card Summary Factset
Feature Request Visma.net, Tripletex, Visma Business, Business NXT, Business NXT Live Period functions Added 24 months rolling period function
Last modified August 2, 2024