Move OneStop Reporting Cloud Agent to another machine

These instructions describe how to move an instance of the OneStop Reporting Cloud Agent to another machine without the need to reconfigure data connections, companies, or reports in the OneStop Reporting portal.


In the steps below, we will refer to the current machine hosting the agent as OldMachine and the new machine as NewMachine. These terms will be used to indicate where to perform the steps.

NOTE: The term Cloud Agent service refers to the Windows service named OneStop Reporting Cloud Agent.

  1. On OldMachine: Stop the Cloud Agent service.
  2. On NewMachine: Install the Cloud Agent.
  3. On NewMachine: Stop the Cloud Agent service.
  4. On OldMachine: Copy the agent's configuration folder to an intermediate location. The folder is usually located here (but depends on the chosen installation location): C:\Program Files\OneStop Reporting\CloudAgent\Agent\Configuration\
  5. On NewMachine: Delete the agent's configuration folder.
  6. On NewMachine: Paste the configuration folder from the intermediate location to the agent.
  7. On NewMachine: If Windows credentials are used, reconfigure the Cloud Agent service to use the desired account. NOTE: This is not needed if only SQL logins are used.
  8. On NewMachine: Start the Cloud agent service.
  9. On NewMachine: Open the Cloud Agent Admin from the Start menu.
  10. On NewMachine: For each data source using SQL logins, the password must be reentered.
  11. In the OneStop Reporting portal: Verify the system, for example by running a report.
  12. On OldMachine: Uninstall the Cloud Agent. If there are still subfolders are left under the installation location, manually remove them to wipe all traces, such as logs.
Last modified August 2, 2024