Manage companies

View user's company access

  1. Go to Administration.
  2. At the top, group or client level, go to the Companies tab.
  3. Click on a company. In the pane that opens, you can see a list of all users that have access to that company and if they have full or partial access.

Delete company/companies

  1. Go to Administration.
  2. Select the level of which you want to delete companies in the tree structure (Top, group or client level).
  3. (If group or top level is selected) Click Companies.
  4. In the Company name list, select ✅ the company/companies you want to delete.
  5. Click Actions.
  6. Click Delete companies.
  7. In the Delete companies dialog, in the text field, enter the name of the first company exactly as it is spelled in the text field box.
  8. (If one of the selected companies contains workflow or budget assignments) Click Show companies in the dialog.
  9. Go to the company/companies in the list and delete workflow and/or budget assignments to continue with the bulk delete.

WARNING: When you delete a company, you also delete the following data related to the company:

  • Data access filters
  • Publishing jobs
  • All data transferred from your ERP system
  • All stored budgeting data
  • All additional stored data
Last modified August 2, 2024