2. Application tab

Application tab

Option Function
Auto-connect If selected, Report Designer will always connect when Excel is run. However, if the checkbox is cleared, you are required to manually connect Report Designer before designing or running a report.
Auto-start report Opening Excel by double-clicking a OneStop Reporting report via Windows Explorer overrides the setting under Auto-connect, and the OSR Report Designer Excel COM add-in starts automatically when Excel is opened. To prevent the OSR Report Designer Excel COM add-in from starting even when Excel is opened by double-clicking a OneStop Reporting report, you must select the Auto-start report checkbox. To prevent the OSR Report Designer Excel COM add-in from starting automatically no matter how Excel is started, both the Auto-connect and the Auto-start report checkboxes must be cleared.
Sign in automatically If the checkbox is selected, OSR Report Designer will automatically sign in with the previously logged-on user.
Portal URL Shows your OneStop Reporting portal URL.
Licensed to Displays the license information.
About… Click this button to get information about the Report Designer version, build number and the license information.
Last modified August 7, 2024