September 2024



Business NXT

Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Business NXT, Business NXT Group Reporting Multiple Voucher Type Debt collection voucher type Added Dept collection voucher type to Voucher Type. 38
Business NXT, BNXT Group Reporting Multiple OpCustTr, OpSupTr, HistCustTrans, HistSupTrans Amount in currency 2 Added Amount in currency 2 to factsets: OpCustTr, OpSupTr, HistCustTrans, and HistSupTrans. 36
Business NXT, BNXT Group Reporting Multiple Historic customer transactions, Historic Supplier Transactions Months after last compression date Increased the number of months after the last comression date in which transactions are ignored. The limit is now 12 months after the last compression date 36


Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Visma Net Finance OSR Budget Foundation Branch Fixed an issue where it was not possible to store transactions to branch numbers beginning with 0 36
Visma Net Multiple Subaccount SubAccount Number Added SubAccount Number to the Subaccount dimensions 37

Visma Business

Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Visma Business Multiple Voucher Type Debt collection voucher type Added Dept collection voucher type to Voucher Type. 38
Visma Business Multiple Multiple Amount in currency 2 Added Amount in currency 2 to factsets: OpCustTr, OpSupTr, HistCustTrans and HistSupTrans. 36


Integration Module in Report Designer Factset/Dimension Attribute/Measures Comment Week
Tripletex Multiple Project Currency Added currency to project dimension 38


Module Comment Week
General Add organisation number to VDL company export 37
General Added organisation number to Visma Business companies 37
General Added organisation number to Business NXT companies 37
General Added organisation number to Visma Net companies 37
Administration Added CSV download for non-distributed report. The file shows report name, category, and owner 37
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Last modified September 24, 2024