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Import accounting data. Lock periods. Copy data between periods and run auto checks.
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Included in your subscription are several digital courses. You have access to them on learning universe.
Import accounting data. Lock periods. Copy data between periods and run auto checks.
Work with Reconciliation BS/Analysis IS. Export closing entries to ERP. Financial statements and Reports. Information and tax. Complete and submit annual report
Run auto checks. Add and customize checks.
Maintain owners and housing units. Complete reporting and submission of thirdparty information.
Maintaining shareholders. Generate a book of shareholders. Reporting and submission of shareholder register statement.
Edit accounting year. Import year-end closing data. Maintain chart of accounts. Change company settings and reconcilication period.
Create accounting office templates for automatic checks and reconciliation plan.
Create client companies. Up-/downgrade clients. Administration of users and groups. Update year-end status.