Controlled transactions and balances
In Year-end closing - Information and tax - Information - Additional information - you will find the work area for Controlled transactions and balances. The area is automatically available if the company stated ‘YES’ that the company has transactions or balances with related parties above the amount limits, in Information - Various information - Transactions and balances.. The area can also be opened manually by using the Edit feature areas selector.
Note that inside the work area you must tick “Yes” if you have transactions over the amount limit to bring up areas for registering data. The area does not require logging in to the tax authority for 2024, unlike for 2023.
The work area replaces the previous form RF-1123 Controlled transactions and accounts outstanding.
When the work area is opened, you get to the overview screen where you enter general information in editable fields as well as “drop down” menus.
Each individual transaction type or balance is selected from drop-down menus in the respective tabs and amounts are entered. The specification and overview are then transferred to the tax return.
See Items, fields and topics in the new tax return for businesses for more information.