Create template

  1. Select Administration - Templates - Templates for auto checks.
  2. Select New template.
  3. Name the template.
  4. Select if you want to base your template on either Company category or Customer.

    For Company category, you can select either Impersonal ,Personal or Participant taxed. Depending on what type of category you select, you will get different sets of auto checks. The list of auto checks is displayed to the right.

    If you select Customer you will get the same customer type as on the customer and the default checks and the autochecks that was created on the customer will be included in the template.

  5. Select Save or Save and edit.

When Saveoption is selected, the list of templates is displayed. If Save and edit is selected, the Auto checks tab will open and you can edit the template riqht away.

When you have created a template the next step is to set the checks to include in the template and what customers it should be used for. To edit a template, you click the template name in the template list. A screen is displayed with the tabs Auto checks, **Customers**and Properties.

Last modified August 14, 2024