Customers, templates

In Administration - Templates - Templates for auto checks - Customers tab, you select what customers the template should be connected to.

The icons in the Status column indicates the status of the template for each customer.

Red icon The template has not been applied to the customer.
Orange icon The template is not updated on the customer.
Green icon The template is updated on the customer.

[]{#Add_customers_to_the_template}Connect the template to a customer

  1. Select Show all customers in the upper right corner. All customers with the same company type as the template will be displayed in the list.
  2. Select one or several customers you want to connect the template to.
  3. Select Add.
    The customer will be added to the list of customers that uses the template.
  4. Select Apply.

When applying the template to the selected customers, the auto checks in the template are pushed out to these customers. They are added to the current and future financial years.
The following happens:

  • Default checks that are disabled in the template will also be disabled for the customer under Transaction analysis - Auto checks - Check settings. The default checks are included in the program and read only.
  • The auto checks that are added in the template are added on the customer under Transaction analysis - Auto checks - Check settings. These are read only and administered by the accounting office when they are visible on the customer.
  • The auto checks that are added on the customer are not affected by the template (Custom auto checks).
  • When the template is in use for a customer, it will not be possible to change the check status from enabled to disabled on the customer. This can only be changed under Administration - Templates - Templates for auto checks.

[]{#Remove_customers_from_the_template}Remove the template from a customer

  1. Select the customer for which you want to remove the template.
  2. Select Remove.

A control question is displayed where you must confirm that you want to remove the template from the customer/customers.

The default auto checks and auto checks created on the customer (custom auto checks) are not affected.

Last modified August 14, 2024