Year end status
Year end status gives you an overview of Altinn submissions. The list is based on information fetched from the Altinn portal and is shared within the accounting office. After logging in and updating status, persons and companies that you have access to in Altinn will be displayed in the overview. Submissions made with Period & Year and other systems will appear gathered in the list.
You can search by company name or organization number/social security number at the top of the page. It is also possible to sort data by clicking on a column header.
You can download submissions and status to excel by clicking on the Download submissions to excel –button in the upper right corner.
- Update status
Click on Update statusin the upper right corner.
Click Next and select task types and time filter.
- Tax return
- Annual report
- Share holder statement
The time filter checks the date in the column 'Status updated' before updating any new status.
Click Next to log in to the id-portal and accept that client registry can read content in Altinn inbox and archive.
All persons and companies that you have access to in Altinn will be displayed in the overview. This means that you might see reportees that is no longer relevant. It can be changed in Altinn if needed.
Reportees and status on submissions will be updated and displayed in the overview.
You can also update status on one reportee in the overview by clicking on the refresh icon
on a specific row. In this case status for all reporting obligations will be updated.