
Maintain owners and housing units. Complete reporting and submission of thirdparty information.

Third party data is used for prefill in the tax return and should be submitted to the Tax administration.

In Housing you will find pages for registration of information regarding,

  • Jointly owned housing property

  • Housing companies


Housing is available for Company type Condominium flat owner, Housing cooperative and Housing company (Boligselskap) with access to Year-end closing.

Registration of third party data for Minding and care of children, Donations to certain voluntary organization etc or Payments to self-employed persons can be found in Year-end closing - Information and tax - Information.

Housing company

You can add Total values for the current income year in the menu Housing company.

These values will be distributed on the housing units according to the total fraction (number of units).

This is also where you add contact information that will be used in submission to the Tax administration.

Add new owners

You can add and edit owners in the menu Owners.

  1. Click Add owner, the symbol at the top right to create new a owner.

    An owner is created in a separate tab.

  2. Fill in relevant fields.


Address information will be used for distribution but is not sent to the Tax administration and therefore not mandatory.

Import owners from excel

Click on the Import owners from excel –icon in the upper right corner to start the import wizard. The import requires the information to be in a specific format. A template can be downloaded from the dialog.

  1. Drop or browse for the excel file you want to import (*.xlsx or *.xls).
  2. Select Replace or add content.
  3. Click Next to load and validate data.
  4. Select the rows you would like to import and click Import.
  1. Click Close to return to the main page.

The first tab shows an overview of created owners.

You can delete an owner by clicking the Deletebutton at the bottom of each tab.

Add new buildings

You can add and edit buildings in the menu Buildings.

  1. Click Add building, the symbol at the top right to create new a building.

    A building is created in a separate tab.

  2. Fill in relevant fields.

Import buildings from excel

Click on the Import buildings from excel –icon in the upper right corner to start the import wizard. The import requires the information to be in a specific format. A template can be downloaded from the dialog.

  1. Drop or browse for the excel file you want to import (*.xlsx or *.xls).
  2. Select Replace or add content.
  3. Click Next to load and validate data.
  4. Select the rows you would like to import and click Import.
  1. Click Close to return to the main page.

The first tab shows an overview of created buildings.

You can delete a building by clicking the Deletebutton at the bottom of each tab.

Add new housing units

You can add and edit housing units in the menu Housing units.

This is where the share of housing units are registered on the different owners.

  1. Click Add housing unit, the symbol at the top right to create new a housing unit.

    A housing unit is created in a separate tab.

    The housing units share is calculated according to the registered total values in Housing company and the Housing units share.

  2. Fill in relevant fields.

Deletion task

To register a 'deletion task' you should enter 0/0 in the Share of housing unit field on the owner.

Import housing units from excel

Click on the Import housing units from excel –icon in the upper right corner to start the import wizard. The import requires the information to be in a specific format. A template can be downloaded from the dialog.

  1. Drop or browse for the excel file you want to import (*.xlsx or *.xls).
  2. Select Replace or add content.
  3. Click Next to load and validate data.
  4. Select the rows you would like to import and click Import.
  1. Click Close to return to the main page.

The first tab shows an overview of created housing units.

You can delete a building by clicking the Deletebutton at the bottom of each tab.

Submission values

Submission values will give you an overview per owner on the values that will be submitted to the Tax administration. It is possible to sort data by clicking on the column header.

Download to excel

You can also download submission data to excel by clicking on the Download tasks to excel - icon in the upper right corner.

If you only want to use Period & Year for submission of values, not calculation, you can select Import information that should be reported, to import tasks from excel.

Import tasks from excel

Click on the Import tasks from excel –icon in the upper right corner to start the import wizard. The import requires the information to be in a specific format. A template can be downloaded from the dialog.

  1. Drop or browse for the excel file you want to import (*.xlsx or *.xls).
  2. Select Replace or add content.
  3. Click Next to load and validate data.
  4. Select the rows you would like to import and click Import.
  1. Click Close to return to the main page.

Click on Generate PDF to download information letter with annual statement to the share owners. Generated PDF files are downloaded according to the default download space in your browser settings.

Read more about Third party data.

Last modified December 13, 2024