
Submit RF-1086 and sub-form RF-1086U to Altinn

  1. Go to the Submission section. The list on the left shows the reporting obligations that are available for reporting to Altinn.
  2. Select the current task in the list on the left.
  3. Enter the Computer SystemID and associated Password. This information is obtained by registering in the Altinn portal. See guidelines for this in the portal.
  4. Select the preferred shipping method:
  5. Complete shipment with signature - The shipment is sent in as complete and signed. No changes can be made in Altinn after submission.
  6. Complete shipment - The shipment is sent in as complete. No changes can be made in Altinn after submission, only signing.
  7. Not complete - The shipment is sent to Altinn as incomplete. You can then add more information in the Altinn portal before the final signing / submission step in the Altinn portal.
  8. Select Send to Altinn.
  9. Wait for feedback from Altinn. In case of errors in the shipment, feedback is given.
Last modified August 14, 2024