Import accounting data

There are several ways to import accounting data into Period & Year. Read more about the different alternatives below.

To import data, simply click the button Setup import source at the top of the page and choose which type of import you would like to do. You can also import data under Settings - Settings.

The status of the import can be seen in Settings - Import settings.

  1. Select import source Tripletex in the list.
  2. Paste your Tripletex Employee Key or Accounting office key for authentication and save your changes.
  3. Select Import from Tripletex to start the import.
PowerOffice Go
  1. Select import source PowerOffice Go in the list.

  2. Paste your Poweroffice Go Client key for authentication and save your changes.

    To create a client key, log in to PowerOffice Go and go to **Settings **- Extensions, select Add extensions and Visma Period & Year from the drop down. Copy the displayed client key.

  3. Click OK to save.

  4. Select Import from PowerOffice Go to start the import.

Import of agricultural clients

When it comes to the import of agricultural clients, Period & Year ignores all the agricultural departments and combines these into a total trial balance.

In the case of sole proprietorships, on the other hand, all transactions linked to agricultural department 90 Private will be imported and linked to the following earmarked 2 accounts:

  • 2089 Net capital primary industry accounts department private

  • 8989 Private profit and loss accounts (PowerOffice agriculture)

Export of agricultural clients

If you choose to export manual vouchers and system vouchers, then you must ensure that you manually apply the correct agricultural departments in PowerOffice after the export.

  1. Select import source eAccounting in the list.
  2. Select Import from Visma eAccounting to start the import.

The user in Period & Year must also be an administrator in eAccounting to complete the import.

Visma Business
  1. Select import source Visma Business in the list.
  2. Paste your Visma Business client id and pairing key for authentication and save your changes.

    When importing from Visma Business, an "agent" must be installed in advance for communication between Period & Year (cloud) and Visma Business (local installation). Click on this link for more information on how to install the agent and how to receive a pairing key.

  3. Click the button Import from Visma Business to start the import.
Business NXT
  1. Select import source Business NXT in the list.
  2. Select Import from Business NXT to start the import.

The user in Period & Year must ensure that the clients in Business NXT and Period & Year use the same organization number.

  1. Select import source 24SevenOffice in the list.
  2. Enter your ERP User name and Passwordand save your changes.
  3. Select Import from 24SevenOffice to start the import.
DNB Regnskap
  1. Select import source DNB Regnskap in the list.
  2. Select Import from DNB Regnskap to start the import.
  3. Fill in the username and password to login to DNB Regnskap.

    The login to DNB Regnskap is valid for 45 days then you must reconnect to import new accounting data.

  4. Click Allow to give Period & Year access to your data in DNB Regnskap.
  5. Select which client to import from the client list in DNB Regnskap.
  6. Click Continue to start the import process and be redirected to Period & Year.
Duett Økonomi
  1. Select import source Duett Økonomi in the list.

  2. Paste your Duett Økonomi Client API key for authentication and save your changes.

    Client API key can be found in the following menu in Duett Economy: Settings - Company setup integrations

    Read more about activation of the integration at Duett Økonomi.

  3. Click Save changes.

  4. Click Import from Duett Økonomi to start the import.

Eika Regnskap
  1. Select import source Eika Regnskap in the list.

  2. Click Import from Eika Regnskap to start the import.

  3. Fill in the username and password to login to Eika Regnskap.

    The login to Eika Regnskap is valid for 45 days then you must reconnect to import new accounting data.

  4. Click Allow to give Period & Year access to your data in Eika Regnskap.

  5. Select which client to import from the client list in Eika Regnskap.

  6. Click Continue to start the import process and be redirected to Period & Year.

SpareBank 1 Regnskap
  1. Select import source SpareBank 1 Regnskap in the list.
  2. Select Import from SpareBank 1 Regnskap to start the import.
  3. Fill in the username and password to login to SpareBank 1 Regnskap.

    The login to SpareBank 1 Regnskap is valid for 45 days then you must reconnect to import new accounting data.

  4. Click Allow to give Period & Year access to your data in SpareBank 1 Regnskap.
  5. Select which client to import from the client list in SpareBank 1 Regnskap.
  6. Click Continue to start the import process and be redirected to Period & Year.
  1. Select import source Unimicro in the list.
  2. Select Import from Unimicro to start the import.
  3. Fill in the username and password to login to Unimicro.

    The login to Unimicro is valid for 45 days then you must reconnect to import new accounting data.

  4. Click Allow to give Period & Year access to your data in Uni Economy.
  5. Select which client to import from the client list in Unimicro.
  6. Click Continue to start the import process and be redirected to Period & Year.
SAF-T file
  1. Select import source SAF-T file in the list.

    The import supports the following file formats:

    • SAF-T files in XML format.
    • SAF-T files in XML format packed in ZIP format.
  2. Select Import from SAF-T file and Select file button to select your file.
  3. Click Continue to start the import process.
SIE4 file
  1. Select import source SIE4 file in the list.
  2. Select Import from SIE4 file and Select file button to select your file.
  3. Click Continue to start the import process.
Microsoft Excel
  1. Select import source Microsoft Excel in the list.

    When importing from Microsoft Excel, it is important that the file has the following format layout.

    Column A2 Column B2 Column C2 Column C1 Column D2 Column D1
    Account number Account description Closing balance Year Closing balance Year

    Account number - One row for each account in the trial balance for the actual accounting year.

    Account description - Assigned account name from the accounts (ERP system).

    Closing balance - Closing balance on the actual account for the imported accounting year.

    Year - Year-end closing year, can be last year and/or this year.

    When importing deviating accounting years, the following format must be used in the heading for the year:

    Import from Excel does not include any transactional data, only annual balances. This means that it is more relevant for Year-end closing than for Period-end.

    An excel file can contain up to two accounting years, which makes it possible to import the current and previous year from the same Excel file.

    If you choose to import two financial years in separate Excel files, you must ensure that you import the previous year before the current year. This is necessary for the program to calculate the correct opening balance for the current year

  2. Click on Import from Microsoft Excel and the Select file button to select your file.

  3. Click Continue to start the import process.

When importing data from the ERP system, all accounting data from the last three financial years that you have created in the ERP system is imported into Period & Year.

Last modified September 12, 2024